Помогите с заданием!Плиз!Необходимо вставить слова из рамки в текст!

Помогите с заданием!Плиз!
Необходимо вставить слова из рамки в текст!

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1 ответ
1). Being tall is an advantage for a basketball player.
2). In case of anything happens, call me right away.
3). A lot of people are rather nervous about taking exams.
4). Tomorrow's weather report predicts rain.
5). The football game was so exciting that the football fans were indifferent to the rain that was pouring down.
6). The cold, hungry traveller had a great desire for a hot meal.
7) I insist that my answer was right.
8). Don't bother to make a lunch for me: I've eaten.
9). All human beings require food and sleep.
10). We have bought the supplies for our camping trip.
11). During pur trip we stayed in various towns.
12). The stidents bought a tent, sleeping bags and other camping equipment.
13). This artist's paintings of plants and animals express a love of nature.
14). It's time to replace those worn out shoes.
15). I recorded my feelings about my new school in my diary.
16). A job that has no variety become boring.

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