Проверьте текст на оплошности и напишите в исправленном варианте1)This history tells

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1)This history tells us about girls who have gone to travel to London by train. 2)After a while Sara and Rachelle have arrived in Notting Hill. 3)The Girls took a look around and have understood that they have reached Notting Hill 4)Thousands of people lined the streets to look at parade. 5)The Procession began and girlfriends have seen people in colourful dresses which danced under music 6) But the storm has suddenly begun 7) Sara got separated from Rachel 8) But suddenly Sarah saw Pachels umbrella 9) the Girls were reunited and had coffee together

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1)This history tells us about girls who have gone to travel to London by train. 2)After a while Sara and Rachelle have arrived in Notting Hill. 3)The Girls took a look around and have understood that they have reached Notting Hill 4)Thousands of people lined the streets to look at parade. 5)The Procession began and girlfriends have seen people in colourful dresses which danced under music 6) But the storm has suddenly begun 7) Sora got separated from Rachel 8) But suddenly Sarah saw Rachel's umbrella 9) the Girls were reunited and had coffee together

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