Составить небольшую сказку на британском языке со словами once upon a

Составить маленькую сказку на английском языке со словами once upon a time(жили-были),devil,poppy(маг),full moon(полнолуние),deep Forest (гремучий лес).

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Once upon a time there lived a little devil, who was different from other devils, and his name was Uzi. One day, he went into a deep forest. He noticed a little red poppy, which was blooming in the full moons light. Wow! Ive never seen this flower before! he said and came closer to the poppy. He thought of giving this flower to his beloved mother. When he riped the flower off, he heard his mothers voice: Uzi! Where are you rascal?

She found him looking straight at her, and holding something behind his back.

What are you holding? she asked.

Its a flower... I-I found it here, and wanted to give it to you.

He handed her a redish poppy, she clenched the poppy in her fist and it quickly wilted.

Ive told you lot of times, that you should be evil, not good, because youre a devil! Youre like your father! And thats what happened to him! she said and gave the wilted flower to Uzi. I'm waiting for you at home. Uzi stood for a long time and cried, looking at the wilted poppy.

You are right mother, I should never be like my goodish father! he spoke with evil on his face and disappeared.

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