Поглядите на картинки и скажите: что Джейн обычно делает в

Поглядите на рисунки и скажите: что Джейн обычно делает в определенное время: что она делает на данный момент: что она будет делать завтра в определенное время:

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что Джейн обычно делает в определенное время:
Jane usually gets up at seven oclock. Then she does exercises, cleans her teeth, put on her clothes and has breakfast.
Jane usually goes to school at eight oclock.
Jane usually comes home at two oclock.
Jane usually has dinner at three oclock.
Jane usually takes her dog for a walk at four oclock. Jane usually does her homework at five oclock.
Jane usually eats her supper at seven oclock.
Jane usually plays with her toys at eight oclock.
Jane usually goes to bed at nine oclock.
что она делает на данный момент:
Jane is getting up now. She is doing exercises, cleaning her teeth, putting on her clothes and having breakfast.
Jane is going to school now.
Jane is coming home now.
Jane is having dinner now.
Jane is taking her dog for a walk now.
Jane is doing her homework now.
Jane is eating her supper now.
Jane is playing with her toys now.
Jane is going to bed now.
что она будет делать завтра в определенное время: Tomorrow Jane will get up at seven oclock. Then she will do exercises, clean her teeth, put on her clothes and have breakfast. Tomorrow Jane will go to school at eight oclock.
Tomorrow Jane will come home at two oclock.
Tomorrow Jane will have dinner at three oclock.
Tomorrow Jane will take her dog for a walk at four oclock. Tomorrow Jane will do her homework at five oclock. Tomorrow Jane will eat her supper at seven oclock. Tomorrow Jane will play with her toys at eight oclock. Tomorrow Jane will go to bed at nine oclock.

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