In Russia there are many cities we are proud of.

In Russia there are many cities we are proud of.
What could you tell foreign tourists about one of the most interesting cities of Russia? For questions 111 choose the best answer (a, b or c) to fill in the gaps in the text. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
The Golden Ring of Russia is a special group of (0) nbsp;nbsp;ancient: towns and cities
not far from Moscow. All the towns were (1) ______________ in the 1970s and
many (2) ____________are now museums.
Suzdal is part of the Golden Ring. Suzdal was (3) ________________ in the
eleventh century. It was (4)____________important religious centre in old Russia.
There was a period in ancient times when the town had forty churches for four hundred families. (5)__________Suzdal Kremlin (6)_________________wonderful
museums. Its beautiful cathedrals were (7)_________________by Russian masters.
In Suzdal you can see the monument to Dmitry Pozharsky, the monument was
(8)______________by Z. Azgur, (9)_________ Belorussian sculptor.
Thousands nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;of nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tourists nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;come nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;to nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;see nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;city nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;and nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;its nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wonderful (10)_______________ and admire the (11) _____________of its museums.

0nbsp; nbsp; аnbsp; nbsp; ancientnbsp; nbsp; bnbsp; nbsp; popularnbsp; nbsp; Сnbsp; nbsp; гаге
1nbsp; nbsp; аnbsp; nbsp; builtnbsp; nbsp; bnbsp; nbsp; restorednbsp; nbsp; Сnbsp; nbsp; designed
2nbsp; nbsp; аnbsp; nbsp; thingsnbsp; nbsp; bnbsp; nbsp; monumentsnbsp; nbsp; Сnbsp; nbsp; buildings
3nbsp; nbsp; аnbsp; nbsp; inventednbsp; nbsp; bnbsp; nbsp; foundednbsp; nbsp; Сnbsp; nbsp; made
4nbsp; nbsp; аnbsp; nbsp; thenbsp; nbsp; bnbsp; nbsp; annbsp; nbsp; Сnbsp; nbsp;
5nbsp; nbsp; аnbsp; nbsp; thenbsp; nbsp; bnbsp; nbsp; anbsp; nbsp; сnbsp; nbsp; an
6nbsp; nbsp; аnbsp; nbsp; housesnbsp; nbsp; bnbsp; nbsp; collectsnbsp; nbsp; сnbsp; nbsp; prepares
7nbsp; nbsp; аnbsp; nbsp; foundednbsp; nbsp; bnbsp; nbsp; inventednbsp; nbsp; сnbsp; nbsp; decorated
8nbsp; nbsp; аnbsp; nbsp; designednbsp; nbsp; bnbsp; nbsp; foundednbsp; nbsp; сnbsp; nbsp; housed
9nbsp; nbsp; аnbsp; nbsp; thenbsp; nbsp; bnbsp; nbsp; anbsp; nbsp; сnbsp; nbsp;
10nbsp; nbsp; аnbsp; nbsp; paintingsnbsp; nbsp; bnbsp; nbsp; cathedrals and churchesnbsp; nbsp; сnbsp; nbsp; masters
11nbsp; nbsp; аnbsp; nbsp; booksnbsp; nbsp; bnbsp; nbsp; manuscriptsnbsp; nbsp; сnbsp; nbsp; masterpieces

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