Do you know the answers to the questions below? If necessary,

Do you know the answers to the questions below? If necessary, consult the LCG.
What state has the name of a tree?
What are Floridas nicknames?
When was Florida discovered?
What state is named after the Queen of England?
How did Pennsylvania get its nickname?
How did Maine get its nickname?
What is Vermont famous for?
What state was named after a famous person?
What states got their names after the way they look?
Student 1: Do you know how Maine got its nickname?
Student 2: Yes (no), I (dont) know how Maine got its nickname.
Student 1: Could you (anyone) tell me how Maine got its nickname, please?
Student 2 (3): nbsp;
Reported and indirect questions
B обоих предложениях 2-ая часть имеет прямой порядок слов. He wants to know how Maine got its nickname, (а reported question)
Could you tell me how Maine got its nickname, please? (an indirect question)

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
- В заглавии какого штата есть дерево? (The State of Maine has the name of the tree. Maine is the Pine-Tree State.)
- Какие наименования у Флориды? (Florida is called the Land of Flowers, the Alligator State, the Everglade State, the Mocking-Bird State and the Orange State.)
- Когда была открыта Флорида? (Florida was discovered in 1512)
- Какой штат окрестили в честь царицы Великобритании? (Virginia is named after the Queen of England.)
- Как Пенсильвания получила свое заглавие? (Pennsylvania got its nickname the Coal State because there is much coal in Pennsylvania)
Pennsylvania got its nickname the Keystone State because of Pennsylvanias role in the War of Independence. Pennsylvania got its nickname the Oil State because there is much oil in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania got its nickname the Quaker State because W. Penn was a member of the Society of Quackers. Pennsylvania got its nickname the Steel State because there is much steel in Pennsylvania,
- Как Мэн получил свое заглавие? (The State of Maine got its nickname the Pine-Tree State because four-fifth of the state is covered by forests.)
- Чем известен Вермонт? (It is famous for its green mountains)
- Какой штат назван в честь знаменитого человека? (Pennsylvania was named agter а famous persom, Willaim Penn who was the founder of the colony.)
- Какие штаты получили свои наименования от того, как они смотрятся? (Phode Island is called Little Rhody because it is the nations smallest state. West Virginia has the nickname the Panhandle State because the shape of the state is like a pan with a handle on it.)

Косвенные вопросы
B обоих предложениях вторая часть имеет прямой порядок слов.
Он хочет знать, как Мэн получила свое название (косвенный вопрос)
Не мог бы ты сказать мне, как Мэн получила свое заглавие, пожалуйста?
, оставишь ответ?

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