Помогите с верными глагольными формами в вопросах. l) How many years(pass)

Помогите с верными глагольными формами в вопросах.
l) How many years(pass) since you(begin) learning to play the piano? When you(begin)? How much progress you(make) since then? 2) What she(do) in the garden now? 3) When the conversation(take) place? 4) What you(tell) her then? 5) She(read) a lot about Turner's masterpieces before she(get) to the Tate Britain? 6) You always(visit) the National Gallery when you(come) to London? 7) You(know) when she(come) tomorrow? 8) Where you(meet) her the other day? What you(explain) to her? 9) Who(wait) for you downstairs when you returned? 10) Your parents(inform) about the incident? Do you know these music terms?

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1 ответ
1. have passed, began. 2. did you begin., 3.have you мейд. 4. did you tell. 5. had read, got. 6. do you always visit, come. 7. do you know, will come. 8.will you meet, will you explain.9. had been waiting. 10. did your parents inform.
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