Пожалуйста, не отвечайте как попало! Необходимо все по порядку и основное

Пожалуйста, не отвечайте как попало! Нужно все по порядку и основное верно!

1. Определить время и залог сказуемого:
а) She will be informed about this expedition in time and will leave the town.
"will be informed"
б) Our University provides students from distant parts of the country with the

2. Беря во внимание верховодило согласования времен перевести (здесь внимательнее):
I was afraid I should be late.

3. Переведите (тоже внимательнее):
Come here immediately as it is getting dark.

4. Найти форму причастия:
а) Having read this article I decided to translate it into Russian.
"having read"
б) The composition written by the student was awarded with a prize.
в) Being tired we decided to have a rest.
г) Being used for construction the materials should have no defects.
"being used"
д) Modern computers solving problems so quickly are electronic machines.

5. Найдите самостоятельный причастный оборот (непосредственно сам оборот, ничего излишнего).
а) The film being very popular, it was difficult to get tickets.
б) He went to the door and opened it, there being no one in the corridor.
в) All the preparations having been finished, the expedition went to the North.
г) The new houses being carefully planned, it will be pleasant to live in them.
д) The new bridge was constructed, the connection between city regions being

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1 ответ
"will be informed" -  пассивный залог в future simple

"provides"  - Present simple

I was afraid I should be late. - Опасаюсь, что я  опоздаю

Come here immediately as it is getting dark. - будь  тут (приди сюда)  сходу же, как только стемнеет

Having read this article I decided to translate it into Russian. - Прочитав эту статью, я решил перевести её на российский язык. -форма Perfect Participle 1 Active

 The composition written by the student was awarded with a prize. - сочинение написанное студентом было награждено призом. Past Participle 2
Being tired we decided to have a rest. -
Устав мы решили отдохнуть. Present Participle 1 Passive

Being used for construction the materials should have no defects. -применяемые для строительства материалы не обязаны иметь никаких недостатков. Present Participle 1 Passive

Modern computers solving problems so quickly are electronic machines. - 
Современные компы  решающие задачки очень быстро  это электрические машины. Present Participle 1 Active

а) The film being very popular, it was difficult to get tickets.
б) He went to the door and opened it, there being no one in the corridor.
в) All the preparations having been finished, the expedition went to the North.
г) The new housesbeing carefully planned, it will be pleasant to live in them.
д) The new bridge was constructed, the connection between city regions being impressed. 

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