описание коалы на британском языке

Описание коалы на британском языке

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Koala - herbivorous marsupial, related wombats. For a long time people are mistaken for the koalas bears, for example, the British called these animals "koala bear" (this expression still remained outside Australia), "bear-monkey" and "arboreal bear." This misconception is reflected in the scientific genus name Koala Phascolarctos (derived from two Greek words for "sack" and "bear"). The species name in Latin - cinereus (ash").
Koalas live in the Eastern and Southern parts of Australia (on the map in red), as well as on Kangaroo Island (brought to the man in purple on the map). Previously inhabited by koalas also Western Australia, but there were completely destroyed.
There is an erroneous version of the origin of the word "koala", according to which it can be translated as "do not drink." The fact, however, is obvious: koalas really rarely drink water (only during drought or disease) as the required amount of liquid contained in their food - eucalyptus leaves.
Koala Bear
Approximately 24-34 million years ago on Earth mayest distant ancestor of modern koalas Koalemus, which was larger than the current individuals in 28 times!
Growth adult koalas - 60-85 cm. Weight - from 4 to 13 kg. Weight and height vary depending on place of residence: South koala physically superior to their north-eastern neighbors. Males weigh 50% more females.
Koala Bear
Thick fur koalas repels water in the rain, and the hair on the abdomen animal rescues from direct sunlight.
Koala-t visit to Riverbanks Zoo
Large sharp claws koala helping it to successfully climb trees. The animal has two of delayed towards the "thumbs up" to help him capture the branches and trunks of trees in a sturdy lock that is opened even during sleep. Sometimes, the koala can hang on a branch holding it with only one paw.
Interestingly, the koala - one of the few mammals but monkeys and humans have the so-called papillary pattern on the fingertips. Thus, fingerprints koala and very difficult to distinguish a person even with a powerful electron microscope.
Mikkira Koala
Until now, scientists have no accurate information about the life of koalas in the wild, while zoos statistics recorded an average age of 13-15 years (some individuals reach 18 years of age).
Paradoxically, in the course of its evolution, koalas ... degraded. Brain modern koala 40% filled with cerebrospinal fluid, and its weight is not more than 0.2% of the total weight of the animal. Indicators of brain volume koalas are the lowest among all the modern marsupials (kangaroos, Tasmanian devil, opossums, and others.). At the same time, the ancestors of koalas brain filled the entire cavity of the skull. The sharp decline, scientists believe may be due to a change in the type of food koalas and the transition to the deciduous food with low energy density.
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