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Йорк - очень милый и комфортный городок с богатой историей. Тут очень красиво и особенно.
Улица Шамблс самая красивая улица в городке. 2-ые этажи домов нависают над дорогой.
Мы много гуляем по городку. Центр городка окружен отлично сохранившейся каменной стенкой, по которой мы ходим и заглядываем с нее во дворики обычных йоркцев.
В музее викингов"Йорвик" очень интересно!
На данный момент мы гуляем по древнему замку Йорка.
Я стою на башне Йоркского храма и смотрю на великолепный вид городка!
Приезжайте сюда, здесь примечательно!
С наилучшими пожеланиями, Ольга.

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2 ответа
York - very cute and charming town with a rich history . It is very beautiful and unusual.
Shambles Street - the most beautiful street in the city. Second floors of houses hanging over the road.
We a lot of walking around the city. The city center is surrounded by a well-preserved stone wall , on which we walk and look down into the courtyard with her simple Yorkers .
The museum Viking " Jorvik " very interesting!
Now we walk along the ancient castle of York.
I'm standing on the tower of York Minster , and look at the beautiful view of the city!
Come here , here is wonderful !
Best regards, Olga .
York - very cute and charming town with a rich history . It is very beautiful and unusual.Shambles Street - the most beautiful street in the city. Second floors of houses hanging over the road.We a lot of walking around the city. The city center is surrounded by a well-preserved stone wall , on which we walk and look down into the courtyard with her simple Yorkers .The museum Viking " Jorvik " very interesting!Now we walk along the ancient castle of York.I'm standing on the tower of York Minster , and look at the beautiful view of the city!
Come here , here is wonderful!
Best wishes, Olga .
Милена Маркалова
York - very cute and charming town with a rich history . It is very beautiful and unusual.Shambles Street - the most beautiful street in the city. Second floors of houses hanging over the road.We a lot of walking around the city. The city center is surrounded by a well-preserved stone wall , on which we walk and look down into the courtyard with her simple Yorkers .The museum Viking " Jorvik " very interesting!Now we walk along the ancient castle of York.I'm standing on the tower of York Minst
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