переведите последние 2 предложения, пожалуйста! British colonization over a period of

Переведите заключительные 2 предложения, пожалуйста! British colonization over a period of three centuries scattered the English language to all the countries of the world. But the spread of American English in the twentieth century has contributed most to the increasing number of English speakers in the world today. In the 1770s, the English spoken by the colonists in America hardly different from the English spoken in Britain. These people still referred to Britain as the mother country and their language was a last, lingering link with the homeland they had left. But once the political breakaway had occurred, contact between the two countries diminished and American English began to develop a character of its own.

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Алла Полетина
ЭТИ ДВА (These people still referred to Britain as the mother country and their language was a last, lingering link with the homeland they had left. But once the political breakaway had occurred, contact between the two countries diminished and American English began to develop a character of its own.), остальное - КОНТЕКСТ!!! 
1 ответ
Эти люди до сих пор называют Англию родной государством, но их язык - в прошлом, давнюю связь с отчизной они утратили. Но как только произошел политический раскол, контакт меж 2-мя странами уменьшился и американский британский начал развивать собственный свой характер.

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