Заполните пропуски глаголом to see в подходящем времени.I ... a friend

Заполните пропуски глаголом to see в подходящем медли.
I ... a friend in the library yesterday. I ... him there many times before, but he was so busy that I did not speak to him. When I spoke to him he said that he ... never ... me at the library. He concentrates on his work. He ... only his book. The teacher ... him
there many times, but he doesnt ... even her. He ... many important facts in books, however, and tells the class about them. He ... and read more important documents than all the rest of our class put together.

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2 ответа
1) saw
2) had seen
3) had never seen
4) sees
5) has seen
6) see
7) has seen
8) saw
1) saw
2) had seen
3) had never seen
4) sees
5) has seen, see
6) sees
7) sees
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