Помогите составить историю по плану: Вступление (кто основные герои, что происходило
Помогите составить историю по плану: Вступление (кто основные герои, что происходило до истории, когда и где происходит деяние) Основная часть (история в хронологическом порядке) и Заключение (чем завершилась история) желанно с переводом.
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he lived in one country a little boy and his name was John. He lived in the family of a merchant, his father always went to different countries, and the mother stayed home and took care of the boy. One day my father again went to the country of India, India was rich tea, which was lacking in their derevne. John really wanted to visit India, so he asked the father to take him with me, and then came the day of amplive in India. they sailed there a week. And here the sailors began shouting "India, India" ship Ostanovis, the father and the boy went down. And the boy saw what looked like his dream. It was very nice, they bought tea and were about to return. But the boy didn't want to. His father begged, but he does not vkguy. All the time there, thought the father and left John on the island of India. When he came home, the mother ran quickly to hug his son, but it was not, she was very upset that sledushi day and died.10 years passed and John grew up, he was already 21. He really missed her parents that got together and swam in his native village where he was born, pclasses he immediately ran to his house, but who was not in it, it is already overgrown with wild grapes. His neighbor said that the mother as 10 years nazad died and father had left for metropolis. Since that time the boy himself hated, he still regretted that he sees his own mother!
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