1. Когда римляне пришли в Великобританию в 1-ый раз?2. Как вначале

1. Когда римляне пришли в Великобританию в 1-ый раз?
2. Как изначально именовалась столица Британии? И сколько людей там жило к 100 году?
3. Когда римляне покинули Британию ?
4. Когда Вильгельм Завоеватель пришел в Англию из Нормандии? Почему он выстроил Белоснежную башню в Английском Тауэре?
5. Когда начался Большой английский пожар? Сколько он длился? Как великой была уничтоженная пожаром часть городка?
6. Что вызвало Большой английский пожар?
7. как на данный момент официально величается Англия?
8. Что люди предполагают, когда они говорят Англия?
9. Из каких долей состоит Великобритания и как именуются их столицы?
10. Как называется самая тесная часть Ла Манша?
11. Люди, которые родились в Великобритании англичане, не так ли?
12. Как смотрится Юньон Джек и что он символизирует?
13. Что подразумевается под Содружеством? Что вы о нем понимаете?
14. Кому принадлежит власть в государстве?
15. Кто делает законы в стране?
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1. The first time the Romans invaded Britain in 55 BC.
2. Londinium was the original name of the British capital at the time of the Roman Empire. By 100 AD., the population of Londinium was about 60,000 people. 
3. The Romans left Britain in 410 AD. 
William the Conqueror invaded Britain in 1066. He build the White Tower for it to be used as the Keep for himself and his representatives. It was the strongest and the most secure part of the castle and could keep the Royal Family protected in times of civil disorder or invasions. 
5. The Great Fire of London began on September the 2nd, 1666 and it lasted for almost 5 days. One-third of London was destroyed by the fire. 
6. T
he Great Fire started at the bakery of Thomas Farriner on Pudding Lane. It may have been caused by a spark from his oven which he failed to put out. The fire then quickly spread out because London was very dry after a long, hot summer and a very strong wind blew the fire from house to house in the narrow streets. 
7. The official name is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
8. When people outside of the UK say "Great Britain" they often mistakenly refer to just England. However, Great Britain refers to England, Scotland and Wales. 
9. Great Britain consists of England (the capital is London), Scotland (the capital is Edinburgh) and Wales (the capital is Cardiff).
The Strait of Dover is the narrowest point of the English Channel.
11. No, they are not. People who are born in Great Britain are either called British citizens or individually Scottish, English and Welsh depending on which of the three countries they come from. 
12. The Union Jack is the combination of 
the red cross of Saint George (patron saint of England),  the Cross of St Patrick (patron saint of Ireland) and the Saltire of Saint Andrew (patron saint of Scotland). It symbolises the union between the three kingdoms at the time. Wales is not included because at the time it was part of the Kingdom on England. The Union Jack is red, blue and white, there is the red cross on a white background which represents England (and Wales), the red diagonal cross on a white background which represents Northern Ireland and the white diagonal cross on a blue background which represents Scotland. 
13. The Commonwealth of Nations is the 
intergovernmental organisation of 52 member states, which are mainly former territories of the British Empire. The Head of the Commonwealth is Queen Elizabeth II. Member states have no legal obligation to one another. Instead, they are united by language, history, culture, free speechhuman rights, and the rule of law.
14. The UK is a constitutional monarchy where a
 sovereign reigns but does not rule. This means that a monarch acts as head of state but the Parliament has the real power. 
15. In Great Britain laws are made by the Parliament. Bills start in either the House of Lords or House of Commons then they go through set stages of approval in both Houses before they can be signed off by the Queen and then they become Acts of Parliament (law).

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