Заполните пропуски артиклями:1. ... Manager said that ... tests of ...

Заполните пропуски артиклями:

1. ... Manager said that ... tests of ... new model of ... car were to start in ... quarter of ... hour. He also told us that he was sorry he couldn't show us ... factory, because he was expecting ... customer that morning but would join us ... little later, as soon as ... appointment was over. 2. They charge three pounds ... night for ... good room at ... hotel I spoke to you about. Besides, it's near ... railway station and it will take you less than ... hour to get to ... office. 3.1 asked Mr. Sidorov, ... director of ... factory, to give me ... information about ... results of ... test. He sent me ... information I wanted without ... delay. 4. I wanted my friend to come and see me, if possible. I knew he was staying at ... Moskva Hotel. I was waiting for him when he phoned and told me that he wouldn't have ... opportunity to come as he had ... lot of things to do at ... factory. 5. Of the two motors which we had tested at ... factory, ... first was of ... better quality. ... second motor worked ... little worse because there was ... small defect in ... insulation.

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1 ответ
1. The Manager said that the tests of the/a (оба вероятны) new model of the car were to start in a quarter of an hour. He also told us that he was sorry he couldn't show us  the factory, because he was expecting a customer that morning but would join us a little later, as soon as the appointment was over.
2. They charge three pounds a night for a good room at
the hotel I spoke to you about. Besides, it's near the railway station and it will take you less than an hour to get to the office.
3. I asked Mr. Sidorov, director of
the factory, to give me information about the results of the test. He sent me the information I wanted without delay.
4. I wanted my friend to come and see me, if possible. I knew he was staying at
the Moskva Hotel. I was waiting for him when he phoned and told me that he wouldn't have an opportunity to come as he had a lot of things to do at the factory.
5. Of the two motors which we had tested at
the factory, the first was of a better quality. The second motor worked a little worse because there was a small defect in the insulation.
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