Ребят,пожалуйста помогите!Мне надобно составить рассказ 15 пр на тему "Кто я?Что

Ребят,пожалуйста помогите!Мне надобно составить рассказ 15 пр на тему "Кто я?Что я знаю о для себя?".Про девченку.Пожалуйста!Всем заблаговременно спасибо!

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Who am I? I first of all person who were born with rights and duties. I am a creature of voploshenie the highest degree of development of life. I am individual, since I separate the representative of cheloveskom kind. I am an individual because I can do what others can't. I'm a person, with inherent traits and relations. They manifest themselves in interaction with people, society and the state. I'm conscious, because I know what to do. I have thinking, that it separates us from the animals. I have different needs: biological, social, spiritual. I know how to live in society. I can learn about the world. And all it says is that I'm a MAN.
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