ДУЖЕ ПОТРБНО!!! Перекласти текст на укранську мову"Will you answer my questions, please?"

ДУЖЕ ПОТРБНО!!! Перекласти текст на укранську мову
"Will you answer my questions, please?" Holmes asked. "Have you a family or do you live alone?
"Quite alone, Mr.Holmes, I am not married."
"How many rooms do you occupy?"
"I have a sitting-room and a bedroom"
"Are your rooms upstairs"
"Both of them are on the ground floor"
"How many people live in the house? "
"Only three men except myself.They are students of the University"
"Do the pass your door every time when they go out?"
"There is no other entrance to the house"
"Who visited you after he papers came to you?" asked Holmes
"Young Ras, an Indian student who lives on the same floor. "
"Wa he followed by someone?"
"No, he wasn't"
"Why did he come?"
"He came in to ask me some questions about the examination. He used to come to me every time

when he wanted some information "
"Where were the papres at that time?"
"They were on my writing-table"
"Where did you leave the papres when you went out"
"I left them on my writing-table"
"How long were you absent?"
"About an hour"
"Did you lock the door when you went to see me?"
"I didn't need ti di it. I left my servant in the room."
"Why didn't he follow you?"
"He wanted to examine the room once more."
"Do you trust your servant? Is he honest?"
"I do. His honesty is absolutely above suspicion. I used to trust him with large sums of money"
"Whom do you suspect?"
"It is a very delicate question, I can't answer it."
"Can you tell me the characters of the three students?"
"Of course I can," said Soames
He told Holmes that of the three students, Maclaren, Ras and Gilford, the former was the eldest.The two were younger, both were good fellows and industrious too, although Ras was much more serious that Gilford. The teacher lnew that the latter worked as much as the Indian, but was less intelligent than Ras. Soames added that Gilford was a fine youth, the tallest of the three, who was fond of sports and was the best jumper in the college team. Unfortunately he was very poor and in greater need of the scholarship than the other two. He said that he would pass the examination more easily than the Indian whose weakest point was languages.
When Holmes asked what he would say about Maclaren, Soames, answerew that Mackaren was the least industrious and the most unprincipled man aming his fellow students, that he spent little time on his studies and felt very nervous on the days followed by the examinations

Знайдть та випишть так еквваленти словосполучень речень.
Перший поверх, замикати на ключ, оглянути кмнату, працьовит студенти, перший (у назвах), останнй (у назвах), найменш працьовитий.
Скльки часу ви не були вдома? Кого ви пдозрюте? Його чеснсть поза пдозрою. Вн любив спорт. Йому дуже потрбна була стипендя

Дайте вдповд на запитання
Who lived in Mr.Soames' house?
Who visited Mr.Soames after the papers came to him?
Why did Ras come?
Why didn't Mr.Soames lock the door?
Did Mr.Soames suspect his servant?
Who was the best jumper in the collage team?
What was Ras' weakest point?
What kind of man was Maclaren?

Знайти у реченн та виписати речення як характеризують кожного з трьох студентв.

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1 ответ
Могу только на российский перевести.
"Ответите, пожалуйста, на вопрос?" - спросил Холмс. "Вы женаты либо нет?".
"Одинехонек, мистер Холмс. Я не женат"
"Сколько комнат Вы занимаете?"
"У меня есть гостиная и спальня"
"Ваши комнаты на верхних этажах?"
"Нет, они на первом этаже"
"Сколько человек живет в доме?"
"Не считая меня еще 3 человека. Студенты института".
"Они проходят мимо Вашей двери каждый раз когда выходят?"
"В доме нет другого выхода."
"Кто к Вам входил после того как Вы получили документы?" спросил Холмс.
"Юный Рас, студент из Индии. Он живет на моем этаже".
"За ним кто-нибудь шел?"
"Для чего он входил?"
"Он пришел задать мне несколько вопросов по предлогу экзаменов. Он обычно входит ко мне каждый раз когда ему нужна какая-то информация."
"Где были документы в это время?"
"Я оставил их на письменном столе".
"Сколько Вы отсутствовали?"
"Примерно час."
"Вы заперли дверь перед тем как пойти ко мне?"
"В этом не было необходимости. В комнате остался мой слуга."
"Почему он не вышел вместе с Вами?"
"Он желал еще раз оглядеть комнату."
"Вы доверяете слуге? Он правдивый человек?"
"Да, его честность вне недоверий. Я ему доверял великие суммы средств."
"Кого Вы подозреваете?"
"Это очень щекотливый вопрос, я не могу на него ответить".
"Сможете обрисовать мне нрав 3-х студентов?"
"Да, конечно, могу.", ответил Соэм.
Он произнес Холмсу, что из трех студентов: Макларена, Раса и Гилфорда, 1-ый был старшим. Двое иных были моложе, они были хорошими и трудолюбивыми друзьями, желая Рас был серьезнее Гилфорда. Учитель знал, что заключительный трудился также старательно как и индеец, но был не так сообразителен как Рас. Соамс добавил, что Гилфорд был роскошным юношей, самым высочайшим из 3-х, он увлекался спортом и был превосходнейшим баскетболистом в команде института. К несчастью он был очень беден и нуждался в стипендии больше двух других студентов. Он сказал, что сдаст экзамен легче, чем краснокожий, для которого языки являлись слабым местом.
Когда Холмс спросил, что он может поведать о Макларене, Соамс ответил, что Макларен был менее прилежным и более безнравственным по сопоставлению с товарищами, он малюсенько медли уделял учебе и  очень нервничал после экзаменов.
Перший поверх (ground floor), замикати на ключ (lock the door), оглянути кмнату (to examine the room), працьовит студенти (industrious students), перший (у назвах) -the former, останнй (у назвах) -the latter, найменш працьовитий (the least industrious).
Скльки часу ви не були вдома? (
How long were you absent?) Кого ви пдозрюте? (Whom do you suspect?) Його чеснсть поза пдозрою. (His honesty is absolutely above suspicion.) Вн любив спорт. (He was fond of sports) Йому дуже потрбна була стипендя (He he was very poor and in great need of the scholarship)

Who lived in Mr.Soames' house? Three students lived there except himself.
Who visited Mr.Soames after the papers came to him?
Young Ras, an Indian student who lives on the same floor, visited him.
 Why did Ras come?
He came in to ask Mr.Soames some questions about the examination. He used to come to him every time when he wanted some information.
Why didn't Mr.Soames lock the door? Because he
left his servant in the room.
 Did Mr.Soames suspect his servant?
Mr.Soames thought that it was a very delicate question, he couldn't answer it.
 Who was the best jumper in the collage team? 
Gilford was.
What was Ras' weakest point? L
anguages was his the weakest point.
What kind of man was Maclaren?
Mackaren was the least industrious and the most unprincipled man among his fellow students. He spent little time on his studies and felt very nervous on the days followed by the examinations

Vadim Kibalnikov
Спасибо огромное
Васаженко Михаил
Если можно еще 3 задание
Кирилл Крышень
Ras was an Indian student, he lived on the ground floor. He used to come to Soams every time when he wanted some information. His weakest point was languages. Ras and Gilford were good fellows, they were both industrious, although Ras was much more serious that Gilford. Gilford was a fine youth, the tallest of the three, who was fond of sports and was the best jumper in the college team. Unfortunately he was very poor and in greater need of the scholarship than the other two.
Viktor Korovich
Maclaren was the eldest student among them. But he was the least industrious and the most unprincipled man among his fellow students. He spent little time on his studies and felt very nervous on the days followed by the examinations.
, оставишь ответ?

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