Напишите пожалуйста рассказ страшилки 100-120 слов

Напишите пожалуйста рассказ страшилки 100-120 слов

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A hamsterOnce we bought a hamster.When we bought him, the seller said: "This hamster has a wonderful habit. He knows where he lives. While you are alive he will find you anywhere. You are his new master. And never change his sleeping box - he won't like it."He was so nice creature. He was small and funny. I liked to play with him very much. I liked him. He liked me. He could find his cage from any part of our big house. It was amazing. And he liked to sleep in the little dark sleeping box. It looked like a little coffin.I often took him in my arms. He was so cute and fragile.Once he bit me a little. It was nothing. I was bleeding for a second, it was one tiny drop of blood.I didn't pay any attention to this.Next day he bit me again. Harder. Then - again. It happened every day. He was beating everyone. We decided to go to a vet with him, with our ex-nice hamster.The vet told us: "Don't worry. I'll watch him and give him medicine. Come tomorrow. Everything will be all right."We came next day.The veterinary station seemed to be empty. We went to the room where we left our pet yesterday.There was a piece of paper with a note: "It's strange. The hamster must be a vampire. Need to be careful."Then we heard a noise ahead. We looked into the folding screen and we saw ... the vet. Dead. In the pool of blood.In shock we rushed home. We closed all doors and windows. We were scared and didn't know what to do.We needed to be in a safe peaceful place.Then I remembered: "While you are alive he will find you anywhere."
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