Помогите, прошу!!!ОЧЕНЬ ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО1. What _______________________________________

Помогите, прошу!!!ОЧЕНЬ ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО

1. What _______________________________________ (make/you/decide/enter) this compe-tition?
2. Youd better ____________________________ (sweep) up the broken glass, _______________________ (you)?
3. Id rather you __________________________ (not talk) to me like that.
4. He was about ________________________ (leave) when he _______________________________________ (hear/somebody/call) his name.
5. A hundred people ______________________ (die) of starvation already. By the end of the week another two hundred __________________________ (die). When ________________________________________ (you/send) help? 6. But its all very important! Why ________________________ (not/go) right now _______________________ (warn) them? Id rather Sally ___________________ (go) at once. Get her ________________________ (come) here immediately.

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1 ответ

1. What  (мейд/you/decide/to enter) this competition?

2. Youd better  (swept) up the broken glass, wouldn't you?

3. Id rather you did (not talk) to me like that.

4. He was about to (leave) when he  (heard/somebody/call) his name.

5. A hundred people have (died) of starvation already. By the end of the week another two hundred will have (died). When  (are you going to send) help?

6. But its all very important! Why (not/go) right now to (warn) them? Id rather Sally (went) at once. Get her (to come) here immediately.

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