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Vampires and werewolves in mythology

Nowadays one of the most popular topics among teenagers is vampires and werewolves. There are a lot of legends about these creatures. So, I would like to tell you about them.

Lets begin with werewolves. They are mythological creatures which can turn into animals and back. The most popular animal is a wolf. According to the legends a meeting with a werewolf can be very dangerous. However, people found different means of protection. One of them is a silver cross. But other people мейд silver bullets and tried to protect themselves with them. Moreover, some people found the third mean. It is a grass Aconitum anglicum. It was very harmful to the werewolves because it burned their skin. Usually, after a murder of werewolves people burned them at stakes.

A lot of directors find this topic very interesting. A lot of them have their personal opinion about werewolves. Some of them suppose that they are kind but others believe that they are very evil. The first film devoted to werewolves was a dump film Werewolf in 1913. Nowadays, there are 60 popular films about these creatures.

The most ancient enemy of werewolf is a vampire. It is a monster which drinks humans and animals blood. According to the legends, the first vampire was a son of Adam and Eve Cain who was cursed by God because he had killed his brother Avel.

This immortal being has never got old. The vampires have an unbelievable power which people cant have. Besides, a lot of vampires have some natural powers. One of these powers is suggestion. They can inspire everything to people and they will believe in it. This ability helps them to be protected. A lot of people think that sun is very dangerous for them because it burns them. The only way to kill the vampire is to plunge a wooden stake into him. But every nation found other ways garlic or burning for example. Some nation of Europe and America believed that a grass verbena could help to protect a person from suggestion.

Vampires are the elitest beings. They have a law of honor which forbids them to kill other vampires. In an objectionable case the mean of murder will kill both of them.

People believed that hostility between vampires and werewolves began because one shaman cursed them and since that moment one bite of the werewolves was deadly for vampires and back. Vampires are stronger than werewolves and that is why they killed a lot of them. Because of this they hate each other.

Vampires as well as werewolves are private objects of films and literature. The most popular literary hero is a Count Dracula which was written by Bram Stoker in 1987. Nowadays the topic about vampires returned its popularity because Stephanie Meyer wrote her novel Twilight which became the most popular among teenagers. According to many critics the best vampires were presented in the series The Vampire Diaries. They were shown more realistic than other films.

A lot of scientists debate about presence vampires and werewolves in our real world. But we cant leave this fact without attention because both of them are met in the mythology of every country.

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