Изберите правильную видо-временную форму вследующих предложениях. Перепишите предложения

Изберите правильную видо-временную форму в
последующих предложениях. Перепишите предложения и
переведите их на российский язык.
a) The letter (is written / was written / will be written) tomorrow.
b) Spartan children (are taught / were taught / will be taught) by their parents to endure all hardships.
c) My dress is clean now. It (is being washed / was being washed / has been washed).
d) These houses (are built / were built / will be built) in 1500.
e) Tomorrow by 3 oclock everything (will be prepared / will have been prepared / are being prepared).
f) My house (is being painted / was being painted / had been painted) the whole day yesterday.
g) Flowers usually (are sold / were being sold / had been sold) in the streets.
h) This film (is discussed / was discussed / will be discussed) next lesson.
i) I couldnt use my hotel room because it (is not being cleaned / was not being cleaned / hasnt been cleaned) yet.
j) The UK (is washed / is being washed / was being washed) by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.

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1 ответ

a) The letter  will be written tomorrow.

b) Spartan children were taught  by their parents to endure all hardships.

c) My dress is clean now. It  has been washed.

d) These houses  were built in 1500.

e) Tomorrow by 3 oclock everything will have been prepared.

f) My house was being painted the whole day yesterday.

g) Flowers usually are sold in the streets.

h) This film  will be discussed at the next lesson.

i) I couldnt use my hotel room because it hadnt been cleaned yet.

j) The UK is washed  by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.

a) Письмо будет написано завтра.

б) Спартанских детей предки учили вытерпеть все трудности.

c) Мое платьице сейчас незапятнанное. Оно постирано.

г) Эти дома были построены в 1500 году.

e) Завтра к 3 часам все будет подготовлено.

f) Вчера мой дом украшали весь денек.

g) Цветочки обычно продаются на улицах.

h) Этот фильм будет дискуссироваться на последующем уроке.

i) Я не мог воспользоваться своим гостиничным номером, поэтому что он еще не был убран.

j) Великобритания омывается Атлантическим океаном и Северным морем.

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