Заполните письмо Джейн глаголами в Present Perfect. Complete Jane039;s letter to

Заполните письмо Джейн глаголами в Present Perfect. Complete Jane's letter to her American friend. Use the Present Perfect Tense.
Dear Amy
I _____ (1 not have) a letter from you for a long time. _____ (2 you lose) my address? I bought the new Steps CD at the weekend. I _____ (3 already listen) to it. _____ (4 you hear) it yet? Its brilliant. Theres a new video too, but I _____ (5 not see) it yet.
School is going OK. I _____ (6 just finish) some exams, but the holidays _____ (7 not start) yet. Were going to Ireland. I _____ (8 never be) there.
Write soon with your news.

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Dear Amy 
I havent had a letter from you for a long time. Have you lost my address? I bought a new Steps CD at the weekend. Ive already listened to it. Have you heard it yet? Its brilliant. Theres a new video too but I havent seen it yet. School is going OK. Ive just finished some exams but the holidays havent started yet. Were going to Ireland. Ive never been there.
Write soon with your news.

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