описание сказочного героя робина гуда на британском

Описание сказочного героя робина гуда на британском

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When Robin Hood lived in his father's house, he often met a girl. Her name was Marian. She lived with her father not far from Robin's house. They walked in the forest and sometimes went hunting together. They liked each other very much and one day Robin asked Marian to marry him.             But just at that time the Normans came and killed Robin's father, burnt down his house and took away everything he had. Robin was saved, because he fought so bravely that no soldier could go near him, kill him or take him to prison. But when Robin saw that his father was lead and that his house was burnt down he ran away to the great forest of Sherwood. A great number of poor men joined him.              In a short time there were very many men in the forest. They made Robin Hood their leader. The poor people loved Robin and his men whom they called the Merry Men . Robin became known as Robin of Sherwood Forest or Robin Hood. Some people say that he was called Hood because he and his men wore green hoods . He became known not only in England, but in many countries as Robin Hood.            Robin did not see Marian for a long time. He wrote a letter where he told her about his father and their home. "I will always love you," he wrote, "but the life in the forest is not for you, so I'll never see you again, goodbye!" Marian was very sad when she read Robin's letter. She cried all day long. At last she decided to go to Sherwood Forest and look for Robin.           It was a long way to Sherwood Forest and Marian was afraid to travel so far alone. She dressed herself like a knight and went off to look for Robin. One day Robin dressed himself as a Norman knight and went to Nottingham. On his way through the forest he met another knight.          "What's your name and where are you going?"           They could not see each other's faces because their heads and faces were covered by their vizors. Marian (for it was she) was afraid to answer.          "Ah,"said Robin, "you do not want to answer. Then fight." Robin was taller and stronger than Marian, but she fought bravely. Marian got a wound in one arm, Robin got a wound in his cheek. Robin felt sorry for the young knight who was fighting so well.           "Stop! Stop!" cried he." You will be one of my men." Robin forgot that he was dressed like a Norman knight and spoke in his language and in his voice. When Marian heard Robin's voice she took off the visor. Her face was pale but she smiled. They were happy to see each other.           All the time they were laughing and talking. She told Robin how unhappy she was, and put on a knight's clothes and came to look for him.          "My dearest," he said when she finished her story, "I do not know how I will live in the forest when you go away."         "But I'll not go away. I'm going to stay with you," she said.          "You must not. This life is not for you."          "Oh, Robin, do not say that! The sun does not shine and the birds do not sing when I am not with you. Let me stay."           So Robin let her stay. They were married in the forest and the Merry Men made a good dinner and were happy to greet Robin's wife. Robin and Marian lived in Sherwood Forest for a long time and were very happy.
Личность макета этих баллад и легенд не установлена. Предположительно, он жил в начале XIV века, во время правления короля Эдуарда II, либо даже позднее: в одной из баллад действует царица Кэтрин, которую иногда отождествляют с Екатериной Арагонской (14851536). Но в истинное время наивеличайшей репутациею пользуется художественная версия Вальтера Скотта, сообразно которой Робин жил во 2-ой половине XII века (то есть был современником Ричарда Львиное Сердечко иИоанна Безземельного). В пользу первой версии и против версии Скотта говорит ряд исторических деталей: так, соревнования по стрельбе из лука стали проводиться в Англии не раньше XIII века.Баллады о Робине Гуде были записаны ещё в XIV веке, что определило сравнимо маленькую вариативность сюжетов. В одном из более полных сборников английских баллад, размещенных Фрэнсисом Чайлдом в XIX веке, насчитывается 40 произведений о Робине Гуде.По одной из версий, Робин был йоменом, то есть свободным крестьянином, в иных версиях он предстаёт несправедливо обездоленным дворянином, почаще всего графом Хантингтонским.Отчизной Робина Гуда именуют селение Локсли, по наименованию которого время от времени называют и самого Робина Робином Локсли. Его лесная армия насчитывает несколько 10-ов свободных стрелков. Все они  хорошие лучники, неустрашимые, изобретательные и по-собственному благородные люди.  герой средневековых британских народных баллад, предводитель лесных злодеев. По преданию, действовал со собственной стаей в Шервудском лесу около Ноттингема  грабил богатых, отдавая добытое беднякам.

The identity of the prototype of these ballads and legends is not installed. Presumably, he lived at the beginning of XIV century, during the reign of king Edward II, or even later: in one of the ballads acts Queen Catherine, sometimes equated with Catherine of Aragon (1485-1536). However, currently the most popular art version of sir Walter Scott, according to which Robin lived in the second half of XII century (that is, was a contemporary of Richard the Lionheart иИоанна Landless). In favor of the first version and against version Scott says a number of historical details: so, archery competitions were held in England not earlier than XIII века.Баллады of Robin hood were recorded in the XIV century, which led to a relatively small variability of subjects. In one of the most complete collections of English ballads, published by Francis S. child in the XIX century, there are 40 works of Robin Гуде.По one of the versions, Robin was йоменом, i.e. free the peasant, in other versions, he appears to be unfairly disadvantaged nobleman, most often count Хантингтонским.Отчизной Robin hood called the village of Loxley, under which name is sometimes called and the Robin - Robin Loxley. His army forest includes dozens of free shooters. They are great archers, courageous, resourceful, and noble people. hero of the medieval English folk ballads, the leader of the forest of thieves. According to legend, moved with his band in Sherwood forest near Nottingham took from the rich and giving to produced the poor.

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