VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR1. Form nouns from the following words using a

1. Form nouns from the following words using a suffix.
Example: engine - engineer, ecology - ecologist
1. philosophy-___________________
2. sing-___________________
3. geology-___________________
4. science-___________________
5. mathematics-___________________
6. music-___________________
7. sail -___________________
8. teach -___________________
9. paint-___________________
10. physics -___________________
2. Form adjectives from the following words using a suffix.
Example: wonder - wonderful, act - active
1. talent -___________________
2. imagine-___________________
3. ambition-___________________
4. create -___________________
5. skill-___________________
6. history-___________________
7. mystery -___________________
8. fame -

3. Use the proper derivative of the word in brackets.
1. The Mona Lisa is a famous___________________by
Leonardo da Vinci. (PAINT)
2. In his spare time he is a keen___________________.
3. He is a___________________young artist. (TALENT)
4. It was the best birthday___________________in my
5. A___________________young woman is living next
door. (MYSTERY)
6. The island was discovered by the Portuguese . (NAVIGATE)
7. Shes very___________________- she writes poetry
and paints. (CREATE)
8. Columbuss father was a ___________________.
9. The only officer I saw was our___________________,
Captain Shiners. (COMMAND)
10. Jacks a very___________________young manager.
4. Ask questions to the word(s) in bold.
1. Bob was watching TV when his Dad came home.
2. His mom was ironing at 7 oclock yesterday afternoon.
3. It was raining hard when we left home.
4. Pete was listening to music at two in the morning.
Jack was playing football in the yard when his brother called him.

5. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
A: 11.______(hear) Jack came back home.
B: Yes. It is the first time he has been abroad. He 2.______
(return) two days ago.
A: Where he 3.______(go)?
B: To Italy. By the way, I have never been there myself and I
4.______(plan) to fly to Rome this summer.
A: How long Jack 5.______(stay) there?
B: For about a fortnight.
A: When you 6.______(think) we can talk to him? I havent
seen him since he 7.______(go) abroad.
B: Tomorrow. But now he 8.______(be) busy. He
9.______(phone) all his friends.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ

1 задание:

1) philosophy - philosopher

2) sing - singer

3) geology - geologist

4) science - scientist

5) mathematics - mathematician

6) music - musician

7) sail - sailor

8) teach - teacher

9) paint - painter

10) physics - physicist

2 задание:

1) talent - talented

2) imagine - imaginary (?)

3) ambition - Не уверен

4) create - creative

5) skill - skillful

6) history - historic

7) mystery - mysterious

9) fame - famous

3 задание:

1) painting

2) sailor

3) talented

4) celebration

5) mysterious

6) navigator

7) creative

8) weaver (?)

9) commander

10) Не знаю

4 задание:

1) What was Bob doing when his father came home?

2) What was his mother doing at 7 o'clock yesterday afternoon?

3) How was the weather when we left home?

4) What was Pete doing at two in the morning?

5) What was Jack doing when his brother called him?

, оставишь ответ?

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