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Напишите это русскими знаками. Например: go-гоу; went-вэнт, the-зе. Пожалуйста, срочно! Благадарю!
Captain James Cook was born in Yorkshire, England.
At the age of 17, he started working on a ship. During his time on the ship,he began to study different subjects.
In 1768 was his first trip around the world.
Cook's second trip was in 1772. It lasted for four years.
James Cook was a great explorer .For 12 years he sailed around the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand and Australia. He made the most complete maps of the area for that time. He changed people's understanding of geography. His work was very important and useful for people from all over the world.
At[эт] the[зэ] age[эйдж] of[ов] 17, he[хи:] started working[вё:кинг] on[он] a[э,(эй)] ship[шип]. During[дйуэринг]his[хиз] time[тайм] on[он] the[зэ] ship[шип],he[хи:] began[бигэн] to[ту:] study[стади] different[диф(э)рэнт]subjects[МН.Ч.].
In[ин] 1768 was[воз] his[хиз] first[фё:ст] trip[трип] around[эраунд] the[зэ] world[вё:лд].
Cook's [Сущ.Пр.П.] second[сэкэнд] trip[трип] was[воз] in[ин] 1772. It[ит] lasted for[фо:] four[фо:]years[МН.Ч.].
James[джэймз] Cook[кук] was[воз] a[э,(эй)] great[грэйт] explorer[икспло:рэ] .For[фо:] 12 years[МН.Ч.] he[хи:]sailed around[эраунд] the[зэ] Pacific[пэсифик] Ocean[эуш(э)н], New[нью:] Zealand[зи:лэнд] and[энд]Australia[о:стрэйлиэ]. He[хи:] made[мэйд] the[зэ] most[мэуст] complete[кэмпли:т] maps[МН.Ч.] of[ов] the[зэ]area[э(э)риэ] for[фо:] that[зэт] time[тайм]. He[хи:] changed people's [Сущ.Пр.П.]understanding[андэстэндинг] of[ов] geography[джиогрэфи]. His[хиз] work[вё:к] was[воз] very[вэри]important[импо:т(э)нт] and[энд] useful[ью:сф(э)л] for[фо:] people[пи:п(э)л] from[фром] all[о:л] over[эувэ]the[зэ] world[вё:лд].
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