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Однажды вечером мы с родителями пошли в гости все было хорошо.Отпраздновали Денек Рождения братика и возвращались назад домой.Шли пешком как, нет чем не бывало.Дошли домой.Мама хочет достать ключи от подъезда и квартиры.Роется в сумке не может отыскать.Звоним дяде спросить не пренебрегали ли мы ключи у их.Ответ был очевиден: " Нет , а вы что потеряли ключи? " Поэтому, у папы не хватило терпения ожидать... Пока , мы разыскивали учи, папа пошел на иную сторону дома ( где был балкон) , и начал залазить на балкон.Мы жили на тот момент на 2 этаже.Он залез на балкон, и каким-то образом открыл балкон.И открыл нам дверь.После этого я нарекаю собственного папу " Тарзаном"

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One evening, my parents and I went to visit. everything was good. We celebrated the brother's birthday and went back home. We walked, nothing has happened. We got home. Mom wants to get the keys to the entrance and the apartment. So shes can't find them in her bag. We will call Uncle didnt ask if we had forgotten the keys. The answer was obvious: No, did you lose the keys? Because Dad didnt have the patience to wait ... So far, we searched for teachings, Dad went to the other side of the house (where he was balcony), and began to climb onto the balcony. We lived at that time on the 2nd floor. He climbed onto the balcony, and I opened the balcony in some way. And I opened the door. After that, I call my dad "Tarzan"
One evening my parents and I went to visit everything was fine.We celebrated our brother's Birthday and came back home.We walked as if nothing had happened.We got home.Mom wants to get the keys to the entrance and the apartment.Rummages in the bag can't find.We call my uncle to ask if we forgot the keys from them.The answer was obvious: "No, did you lose the keys? "Because the Pope did not have the patience to wait... While we were looking for teach my dad went to the other side of the house ( where there was a balcony) , and started to climb to the balcony.We lived at that time on the 2nd floor.He climbed onto the balcony and somehow opened the balcony.Opened the door.After that, I call my dad " Tarzan.""
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