Task 1. Translate the sentences into Russian:1. I wish you were

Task 1. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. I wish you were with me.
2. I wish I had done the homework yesterday.
3. If the weather is fine tomorrow, well go to the picnic.
4. He would help you do this translation if you asked him.
5. It would be wonderful if Ann were here with us.
6. It wouldnt do you any harm if уоu did this exercise a second time.
7. If my grandfather had had a chance to study, he would have been a great man.
8. Тhе teacher suggested that we should go to the museum next week.

Task 2. Answer the questions:

1. What books would you like to read?
2. What would you put on if it were warmer today?
3. How well would you speak English if youd spoken it since childhood?
4. Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?
5. What would you do if it were Sunday?

На оценку "4"

Task 3. Fill in the necessary form of the verb:

1. Plants will die if you . . . them.

a. wont water
b. dont water
c. wouldnt water

2. If I had one million dollars, I . . . a modern car.

a. would buy
b. will buy
c. bought

3. What a pity my husband is away! If he . . . here he . . . us.

a. were
b. would be
c. is f. helps
d. will help
e. would help

4. You look tired. If I . . . you, I . . . a holiday.

a. be
b. were
c. have been
d. will take
e. would take
f. take

5. If Benjamin Franklin . . . so hard, he . . . the symbol of America.

a. didnt work
b. wouldnt have worked
c. hadnt worked
d. wouldnt have become
e. hadnt become
f. wouldnt become

6. Would it be all right if I . . . round at about six?

a. come
b. came
c. will come

7. If уоu . . . hard, you . . . your exam. But you failed it.

a. had worked
b. would have worked
c. worked
d. would have passed
e. would pass
f. will pass

На оценку "5"

Task 4. Translate into English:

1. Я бы позвонил ему на данный момент, если бы я знал его номер телефона.
2. Я бы остался тут подлиннее, если бы не был так занят.
3. Если бы вы оставили записку, я бы зашел к для вас вчера.
4. Если бы я знал французский язык, я бы перевел этот текст сам.
5. Если бы я была в Вашингтоне, я бы посетила Капитолий.
6. Как бы я желала, чтоб на данный момент было теплее.
7. Мои предки предложили, чтоб мы осмотрели достопримечательности Москвы.
8. На вашем месте я поехал бы туда на поезде.
9. Как бы мне хотелось знать его новый адрес.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ


1. Я желал бы, что ты была со мной

2. Хотелось бы, чтоб я сделал домашнее задание еще вчера

3. Если погода будет завтра превосходной, то мы пойдем на пикник

4. Он поможет тебе сделать перевод, если ты попросишь его

5. Это было бы примечательно, если бы Энн была тут с нами

6. Это не принесет для тебя ущерба, если ты сделаешь это упражнение 2-ой раз

7. Если бы у моего дедушки была возможность обучаться, он был бы большим человеком

8. Учитель предложил нам пойти в музей на последующей неделе.


1. I would like to read Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment and War and Peace.

2. If it were warmer today, I would put on something light.

3. If I were spoken English since childhood, I would speak it very well.

4. If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go in France.

5. If it were Sunday, I would do my homework.


1 - c

2 - a

3 - If he were here, he would help us

4 - If I were you, I would take a holiday

5 - hadn't worked; wouldn't become

6 - b

7 - worked; would pass

, оставишь ответ?

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