помогите перевести с русс на анг. Магазин Topshop. На данный

Помогите перевести с русс на анг. Магазин Topshop. На данный момент Topshop это знаменитый английский бренд молодежной одежки. Бренд пережил кризис в 80-х годах, его популярность очень упала. Но не глядя на это сейчас этот бренд очень известен. Центральный магазин Topshop можно отыскать в центре Лондона на Oxford Street Circus. Сейчас он является самым великим бутиком одежки мира. Тут есть все от верхней одежки до нижней, обувь и сумки а также головные уборы.

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Shop Topshop. At the moment this is a popular English brand Topshop youth clothing. The brand has experienced a crisis in the 80 's, his popularity has taken a beating. But despite this now, this brand is very popular. Central shop Topshop can be found in Central London's Oxford Street Circus. Now it is the largest clothing boutique in the world. There is everything from outerwear to the bottom, shoes and bags as well as headgear.
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Topshop Store. At the moment, Topshop is a popular English brand of youth clothing. The brand survived the crisis in the 80s, its popularity has fallen dramatically. But despite this, now this brand is very popular. The Topshop Central store can be found in Central London at Oxford Street Circus. Now it is the largest clothing boutique in the world. It has everything from outerwear to the bottom, shoes and bags as well as hats.
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