Напишите, пожалуйста, сочинение по британскому на 120 слов про событие по
Напишите, пожалуйста, сочинение по британскому на 120 слов про событие по типу нового года, пасхи и т.д
1.Заглавие праздничка.
Когда и где празднуется.
2.Что люди предпочитают делать до самого действия.
(пища, декорации, репетиции)
3.Что происходит в момент торжества.
4.Что люди чувствуют после праздничка?
Какие комменты ты бы оставил в итоге.
1 ответ
New year's eve is a very popular holiday, especially among people who don't celebrate Christmas. It's spent on the 31th of December throughout to the first of January. The year is changing at that moment and people want to cherish it!
Before the holiday people go shopping for the best gifts they can find and some attributes, such as big glasses that say the number of the upcoming year, or some festive hats. Most of the time hosts cook some traditional food, such as Olivier.
In the last minute of the year(23:59) begins the countdown and when the clock strikes 00:00 a lot of stuff happens. Everyone starts screaming, fireworks fire away in the sky and much more!
After this special occasion everyone feels happy and looking forward to the January holidays.
This is one of the most iconic and traditional holidays of all time and I love it!
Before the holiday people go shopping for the best gifts they can find and some attributes, such as big glasses that say the number of the upcoming year, or some festive hats. Most of the time hosts cook some traditional food, such as Olivier.
In the last minute of the year(23:59) begins the countdown and when the clock strikes 00:00 a lot of stuff happens. Everyone starts screaming, fireworks fire away in the sky and much more!
After this special occasion everyone feels happy and looking forward to the January holidays.
This is one of the most iconic and traditional holidays of all time and I love it!
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