Rewrite the sentences using Passive voice1) Julia rescued three cats.2)The students

Rewrite the sentences using Passive voice
1) Julia rescued three cats.
2)The students handed in the reports.
3) Maria crashed into the blue car.
4) Alex learned the poem.
5) Steven has forgotten the book.
6) The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder.
7)They play handball.
8) Sue puts the rucksack on the floor.
9) The girls had lost the match.
10) The teacher is not going to open the window.

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1 ответ
1. Three cats were rescued by Julia.
2. The reports were handed by the students.
3. The blue car was crashed by Maria.
4. The poem was learned by Alex.
5. The book has been forgotten by Steven.
6. The DVD recorder has not been repaired by the mechanic.
7. Handball is played by them.
8. The rucksack is put ny Sue on the floor.
9. The match had been lost by girls.
10. The window is not being opened by the teacher.
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