1. In Britain when someone ________ you how you are, it039;s polite

1. In Britain when someone ________ you how you are, it's polite to say 'Its O.k. or Im fine', if you _______ not well.

Выберите один ответ:
1) will ask ...... be feel
2) ask ...... will feel
3) asked ...... feel
4) asks ....... feel

2. According to the British superstitions its a ___________ if you meet a black cat.

Изберите один ответ:
1) worse sign
2) better talisman
3) bad omen
4) good luck

3. Give the English translation to the Russian saying: Наружность обманчива.

Изберите один ответ:
1) Appearance pales into insignificance.
2) Dont focus on outer beauty.
3) A book cant be judged by its cover.
4) Appearance plays a big role.

4) If only Paul __________ all his money!

Изберите один ответ:
1)wouldnt spent
2)hasnt spent
3)doesnt spent
4)hadnt spent

5) Its a bad omen if youre talking about future __________, its better to keep silent.

Выберите один ответ:

6) If you ___________ in the UK I __________ porridge for breakfast and have 5 oclock tea.

Изберите один ответ:
1)will live .... eat
2)lived .... will eat
3) lived ..... would eat
4)live .... will eat

7) Give the Russian translation to the saying English: Keep a stiff upper lip.

Изберите один ответ:
1)проявить твердость нрава
2)атаить дыхание
3)прикусить губу

8) Open the brackets using the verb in the Conditionals.
If he ____________ (be) a psychologist he would work at the Psychological Service.

9) If John passes his exams successfully, his family _______.

Изберите один ответ:
1)won't be happy
2)will be happy
3)be happy
4)will to be happy

10) I wish I ______ a prosperous businessman one day.

Выберите один ответ:

11) Open the brackets using the verb in the Conditionals.
If she _________(be) more attentive, she wouldnt have мейд so many mistakes in the essay.

12) If today _______ Monday, the students could go to the laboratory to finish their experiment.

Изберите один ответ:

13) Give the English translation to the Russian saying: На твоём месте.

Выберите один ответ:
1)If I be you
2)If I were you
3)If I was you
4)If I will you

14) If he___________to her advice, he _________ fail the exam.

Изберите один ответ:
1)listened will not
2)have listened will not
3)will listen do not
4)had listened would not

15) How would you behave if you ___________ (повстречал бы) the person for the first time?

16) If you want to become a good specialist, you __________ to get knowledge in different spheres.

Изберите один ответ:
2)will have
3)have been

17) If you ___________ a female coming to you with empty water buckets, it is a ___________ sign.

Выберите один ответ:
1)see .... bad
2)see .... good
3)will see .... good
4)see .... not bad

18) Open the brackets using the verb in the Conditionals.
What would you do if a billionaire _______(give) you a big sum of money.

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1 ответ
1-4  2-3  3-3  4-4  5-4  6-4  7-1  8-were  9-2   10-4  11-were  12-4  13-2  14- 4  15 met  16-2  17-1  18gave
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