Помогите срочно пожалуйста!!2. Active or passive?1. Much attention is devoted /devotes to

Помогите безотлагательно пожалуйста!!
2. Active or passive?

1. Much attention is devoted /devotes to the development of this science.
2. The architect was built / built many beautiful bridges in town.
3. They study/are studied the properties of this material.
4. He influenced / was influenced by his friends.
5. He reconstructed/was reconstructed an old church in our town.
6. He was caught/caught by police yesterday.
7. The manager gave/was given an interesting work by the President.
8. A beautiful cathedral built/was built in our town in the 11 century.
8. Canals link/are linked many rivers in Great Britain.
9. The book consists/is consisted of 4 parts.
10. William the Conqueror defeated/was defeated King of England and built/was built an abbey near the place of battle.
11. The first Olympic games held/were held in Greece in 777 B.C.
12. At the station they will meet/be met by a man from the travel bureau.
13. She will meet/be met them in the hall upstairs.
14. The porter will bring/be brought your luggage to your room.
15. Your luggage will bring/ be brought up in the lift.
16. Her idea took / was taken for granted.
17.The wind has broken / has been broken their glass door.
18.Italian speaks / is spoken in Switzerland.
19. His book is reading / is being read at the moment in the high society circles.
20.Da Vinci had painted / had been painted Mona Lisa before some of his other famous paintings.
21. Anna Karenina was writing / was written by Tolstoy.
22. The prize will give / will be given to her by the president.23. We are going to leave / be left alone by our teachers if we change our attitude.
24. Why cant you tell / be told me the truth?
25. Their brother has employed / has been employed for six years.
26. He gave / was given a present to her.
27. She gave / was given this present for her wedding anniversary.
28. My bike runs / is run very fast.
29. He knocked down / was knocked down by a bike yesterday.
30. Her house ruined / was ruined in the fire.
31. I don't know anything about building. I will have built my house / will have my house built.
32. Although she is a professional cook, she has all her cakes made / makes all the cakes.
33. She is a hair-dresser, so she has had her new hair-style done / has done her new hair-style.
34. I didn't go to the post office. I had all the letters sent by my secretary / had sent all the letters.
35. Our son had his bike repaired / repaired his bike. We are so proud of him.

Задать свой вопрос
2 ответа
1 is devoted
2 built
3 study
4 was influenced 
5 reconstructed 
6 was caught 
7 was given 
8 was built 
8 link 
9 consists 
10 defeated/built 
11 were held 
12 will be met 
13 will meet 
14 will bring 
15 will be brought up 
16 was taken 
17 has broken 
18 is spoken 
19 is being read 
20 had painted 
21 was written 
22 will be given 
23 to be left 
24 tell 
25 has been employed
26 gave 
27 was given 
28 runs 
29 was knocked 
30 was ruined 
31 will have my house built.
32 has all her cakes made
33 has done her new hair-style.
34 had all the letters sent 
35 repaired 
1. Much attention is devoted to the development of this science.
2. The architect built many beautiful bridges in town.
3. They study the properties of this material.
4. He was influenced by his friends.
5. He reconstructed an old church in our town.
6. He was caught by police yesterday.
7. The manager was given an interesting work by the President.
8. A beautiful cathedral was built in our town in the 11 century.
8. Canals link many rivers in Great Britain.
9. The book consists of 4 parts.
10. William the Conqueror defeated King of England and built an abbey near the place of battle.
11. The first Olympic games were held in Greece in 777 B.C.
12. At the station they will be met by a man from the travel bureau.
13. She will meet them in the hall upstairs.
14. The porter will bring your luggage to your room.
15. Your luggage will be brought up in the lift.
16. Her idea was taken for granted.
17.The wind has broken their glass door.
18.Italian is spoken in Switzerland.
19. His book is being read at the moment in the high society circles.
20.Da Vinci had painted Mona Lisa before some of his other famous paintings.
21. Anna Karenina was written by Tolstoy.
22. The prize will be given to her by the president.
23. We are going to be left alone by our teachers if we change our attitude.
24. Why cant you tell me the truth?
25. Their brother has been employed for six years.
26. He gave a present to her.
27. She was given this present for her wedding anniversary.
28. My bike runs very fast.
29. He was knocked down by a bike yesterday.
30. Her house was ruined in the fire.
31. I don't know anything about building. I will have my house built.
32. Although she is a professional cook, she has all her cakes мейд.
33. She is a hair-dresser, so she has done her new hair-style.
34. I didn't go to the post office. I had all the letters sent by my secretary.
35. Our son repaired his bike. We are so proud of him.

Виолетта Шабашина
Анна Симонова
помоги еще пожалуйста!!!
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