Помогите плизззPART 7I.GRAMMARTick () A, B, or C to complete the

Помогите плиззз
Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My brother _____ Russian.
A speak B speaks C do speak
1 How long _____ here?
A are you work B do you work C have you worked
2 Ive studied English _____.
A for two years B since two years C two years ago
3 She _____ in this house since she was five.
A lives B has lived C is living
4 When _____ university?
A did you leave B have you left C did you left
5 Alfred Hitchcock, who died in 1980, _____ a lot of great films.
A has мейд B made C makes
6 He _____ play football when he was young.
A used to B use to C used
7 I _____ like flying. Now I love it.
A dont use to B didnt use to C didnt used to
8 A lot of novels _____ into English.
A are translate B are translated C is translated
9 Disposable nappies _____ by a woman.
A were invented B was invented C invented
10 When was this church _____?
A build B built C be built
11 How _____ have you known David?
A time B long C much time
12 We've been in this house _____ October.
A since B for C in
13 I have _____ afraid of water all my life.
A be B been C gone
14 How many films _____ George Lucas мейд?
A did B have C has
15 When _____ your parents get married?
A have B has C did
16 I _____ smoke but I stopped last year.
A used to B use C used
17 Did you use _____ glasses?
A wore B to wear C wear
18 The film was directed _____ Sofia Coppola.
A for B from C by
19 Fiat cars _____ in Italy.
A are мейд B be мейд C are make
20 When _____ DVDs invented?
A are B was C were
a Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences in the biography.
Example: He was bornin 1929.
A birth B born C die
1 He went to _____ school when he was five.
A primary B secondary C university
2 He _____ secondary school when he was eighteen.
A went to B left C retired
3 He started _____ in a bank.
A a work B the work C working
4 He _____ in love when he was twenty-two.
A jump B catch C fell
5 He _____ when he was twenty-seven.
A married B got married C got marry
6 They _____ their first child when he was thirty.
A got B had C become
7 They _____ in 1989.
A got separated B were separate C separated
8 They _____ two years later.
A divorce B got divorced C get divorced
9 He _____ when he was sixty.
A retired B die C left
10 He_____ when he was eighty-five.
A left B died C retire
b Tick () the correct school subject, A, B, or C.
Example: All insects have six legs.
A chemistry B physics C biology
11 Henry VIII had six wives.
A geography B history C maths
12 The capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires.
A geography B history C maths
13 To be or not to be
A technology B science C literature
14 There is oxygen and nitrogen in the air.
A science B technology C geography
15 4 + 2 = 6
A geography B history C maths
c Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with past participles.
Example: Harry Potter was writtenby JK Rowling.
A written B wrote C write
16 Penicillin was first _____ by Alexander Fleming.
A discover B discovered C discovering
17 The washing machine was_____ by a woman.
A invented B invention C invent
18 Sherlock Holmes was _____ on a real person.
A base B basing C based
19 Pulp Fictionwas _____ by Quentin Tarantino.
A directed B direct C directing
20 This suit was _____ by Armani.
A design B designed C designing
a Which word has a different sound? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A van B tram C lane
1 A born B soC saw
2 A since B lived C smile
3 A hat B afraid C director
4 A science B history C child
5 A famous B мейд C catch
b Which is the stressed syllable? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A afternoon B afternoon C afternoon
6 A technology B technology C technology
7 A university B university C university
8 A literature B literature C literature
9 A invented B invented C invented
10 A geography B geography C geography

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