Избрать правильные варианты? Помогите по британскому)Билет 11. Tony . get a

Избрать правильные варианты? Помогите по британскому)
Билет 1
1. Tony . get a job in Italy. He isn't sure.

A) might

B) is going to

C) can
2. ...... your language school in Oxford?

A) Are

B) Is

C) It
3. Where's . from?

A) they

B) you

C) she
Shall we..... a cup of tea?

A) have

B) have got

C) to have
5. What
film .?

are the children watching

the children watching

C) the children are watching

Билет 2
1. Where's
. from?




2. This
book is . than the last one.

A) more good
B) less

C) better

3. .....
to the cinema at weekends?

A) Do you
B) Go you
C) Do you go

4. We .. computer games. The computer is broken.
A) dont can play
B) don't play

C) can't play

5. There aren't magazines on the table.
A) some
B) no
C) any

Билет 3

1. What . to Jonathan?
A) did you say
B) did you said
C) were you say

2. Pat and Harry . six grandchildren.
A) have got
B) has got
C) got

3. Frances ..... been to Italy.
A) isnt
B) hasnt
C) not has

4. We
. a delicious pizza for lunch

A) have
B) had
C) eat

5. I've lost my wallet. .?
A) Can I borrow

B) Can I borrow

C) Can you
borrow me some money?

Билет 4

1. My mother phones . every Sunday evening
A) me
B) I
C) my

2. Karen and Stuart love visiting
historical cities.
A) They Greece
should visit Greece..

B) They should
to visit Greece.

C) They should visit Greece.

3. We have English lessons on Mondays.
A) His classroom is room 11

B) Their classroom is room 11
C) Our classroom is room 11

Билет 5

1. I went to
Jane's party last week and I.. all night.

A) didnt slept

B) dont sleep
C) didnt sleep

2. Jason . a sister.
A) hasnt got
B) hasn't
C) has not

3. Why .. classical music?
A) you like
B) do you

C) are you like

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
A) might
B) Is
C) she
A) have
are  the  children watching
C) better
C) Do you go
C) can't play
C) any
A) did you say
A) have got 
B) hasnt
B) had
B) Can I borrow
A) me
C) They should visit Greece.
B) Their classroom is room 11
C) didnt sleep
A) hasnt got
B) do you

, оставишь ответ?

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