1.look at its foot 2.this is an ice photo3.this i is

1.look at its foot
2.this is an ice photo
3.this i is my fox
4.that family is large
5.there is a potato there
6.there was a mouse here
7.the monkey has got banana every day
8.that seep is slow
Записать во множественом числе а 6 по спецыальному вопросу и 7 предложение вопрос к подлежащим Даю 25Б

Задать свой вопрос
Кухтиева Маргарита
может look at this foot??
Качкашвили Эмилия
Да помоги
Оксана Панифедова
Ну пожалуйста кто нибудь
Кирилл Ахрапов
ща создадим
блчя, теснее не надобно, ну ладно
2 ответа
1 look at their feet
2 these are ice photos
3 these are my foxes
4.those families are large
5 there are potatoes
6 there were mice here
7 the monkeys have got bananas every day
8 those seep are slow

6 Where were mice?(особый вопрос)
7. Who has got bananas every day?
(Вопрос к подлежащему)
1.look at its foot - look at its feet
2.this is an ice photo - these are ice photos
3.this i is my fox - there are my foxes
4.that family is large  - that families are large
5.there is a potato there  - there are potatoes
6.there was a mouse here  - there were mice here
7.the monkey has got banana every day  - the monkeys have got bananas every day
8.that seep is slow - these seep are slow

6. Were there mice here?
7. Who have bananas got every day?
Спасибо братан выручил
Камилла Росвирникова
я не братан, извините.
Виолетта Комоцкая
и не ты, а Вы.
, оставишь ответ?

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