Сочинение на британском про трудности вызванные погодой

Сочинение на британском про проблемы вызванные погодой

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 love spring. It is a wonderful season.
Spring comes and nature awakens from its winter sleep. The days become longer and the nights become shorter.
The ground is covered with fresh green grass and the first spring flowers. How lovely the white snowdrops are! There are new leaves and blossoms on the trees.
The birds begin to sing and build their nests. The air is fresh and the sun shines brightly.
The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy. Everybody feels younger and stronger.
Many people like spring more than other seasons. It is very pleasant to watch how the nature awakens from the winter sleep.
In spring we can go to the country and have a walk in the woods or by the river, play ball-games, lie in the sun and even have a swim if the water is warm enough.
That is why I like spring more than any other season of the year.

Я люблю весну. Это великолепное время года.
Весна приходит и природа пробуждается от зимней спячки. Деньки становятся длиннее, а ночи становятся кратче.
Земля покрыта свежей зеленоватой травкой и возникают первые вешние цветочки. Какая прелесть белые подснежники! Возникают новые листья и цветочки на деревьях.
Птицы начинают петь и строить свои гнезда. Воздух свежайш, и ясно светит солнце.
Деньки теплые и все много жизни и радости. Каждый ощущает себя молодее и сильнее.
Многие люди обожают весну больше, чем иные времена года. Очень приятно следить, как природа просыпается от зимнего сна. 
Весной мы можем поехать за город и прогулятся в лесу либо по берегу реки, играть в забавы с мячом, полежать на солнце и даже поплавать, если вода довольно теплая.
Вот почему я люблю весну больше, чем хоть какое иное время года.

No doubt for all of us our family is the most precious thing on earth. We all need love, understanding and support and we are sure to find them in our families. Id like to tell you a few words about our family. Our family is not very large. There are 4 of us: father, mother, my sister and I. (3 of us: father, mother and I).             My mother is on the right (wrong) side of 40 (под/за 40), but she looks much younger. She has short dark hair and hazel eyes. (She has fair wavy hair and blue eyes). She works as a nurse in a hospital (a teacher at a secondary school, an engineer at a plant, a book-keeper in a bank, a dressmaker). She is always as busy as a bee because she runs the house and has a lot of work to do at our summer cottage. We all try to help her as much as we can. My father is a little bit older than my mother. He is in his early (mid-, late) 40-ies, but he doesnt look his age either. They say that a woman is as old as she looks and a man is as old as he feels and my father looks and feels strong and fit. He is very keen on спорт (fishing) and he spends a lot of time on his hobby (especially on jogging (volleyball).) He is really an excellent father, very involved and protective towards us and we love him dearly. My father is a worker at a plant (a teacher at a technical school, a doctor, an engineer, a business-man). He often comes tired from work but he always finds time for us.
Мила Терпсихорова
стой, не то
Михон Сизон
сейчас иное отправлю
Kirill Buhtulov
 No doubt the protection of nature is a matter of paramount importance. Ecological problems are so acute nowadays that mankind may soon face the problem: to be or not to be. On the one хэнд, our life has become much more comfortable due to the progress of science and technology, but on the other hand, our environment is being more and more polluted with every passing day. There are different types of pollution: air pollution, water pollution, nuclear pollution, even noise pollution.  
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