зделайте пожл плиззI. Find the word with the same or similar

Зделайте пожл плизз
I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.
Example: amazing c)
a) frightening b) vital c) wonderful
1. to throw away
a) to recycle b) to get rid of c) to avoid
2. rubbish
a) trash b) packaging c) can
3. to protect
a) to prohibit b) to pack c) to save
4. vital (problems)
a) environmental b) crucial c) dangerous
5. to disappear
a) to die out b) to pollute c) to clean
II. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.
environment cut down causes pollution packaging environmental
dangerous save protect litter

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I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning. 
Example: amazing c) 
c) wonderful 
1. to throw away 
b) to get rid of 
2. rubbish 
a) trash 
3. to protect 
c) to save 
4. vital (problems) 
b) crucial
5. to disappear 
a) to die out 

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