15 вопросов к тексту с переводом ,пожалуйста The State Tretyakov

15 вопросов к тексту с переводом ,пожалуйста The State Tretyakov Gallery
The building standing opposite the southern walls of the Kremlin, beyond the Moskva River, was built at the beginning of the 20th century from a design by the famous Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov, a connoisseur of old Moscow. It looks like an illustration to an old Russian tale.
The facade is decorated with the ancient coat of arms of Moscow. An inscription on both sides says:
The Moscow city art gallery named after Pavel Mikhailovich and Sergei Mikhailovich Tretyakov. Founded by P. M. Tretyakov in 1856 and presented to Moscow in 1892, together with the collection which S. M. Tretyakov had bequeathed to the city.
Pavel Tretyakov, a merchant by birth and an outstanding patron of Russian art, dedicated 40 years of his life to his main calling the establishment of a national art museum.
From the beginning he sought to build up a collection of realistic, poetic paintings by Russian artists who loved their country.
Tretyakov purchased paintings that have become part of the golden treasury of Russian art and are regarded as milestones in its history. He supported many Russian painters and commissioned numerous paintings. He was particularly fond of Repin. Many of Repins paintings can be seen rn the gallery, including his masterpiece, Ivan Grozny and His Son, Ivan.
Another giant of Russian art, Surikov, owed a great deal to Tretyakov. His painting The Execution of the Streltsi, Boyarinya Morozova and other famous canvases hold pride of place in the gallery.
Some people think that it is as beautiful and important as the Art Theatre, the St. Basils Cathedral and everything that is best in Moscow.
The gallery has tens of thousands of paintings, drawings, sculptures and icons. Among the icons are some world-famous masterpieces by Andrei Rublyov. A new huge building for the gallery is on the bank of the Moskva River

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Леха Гридунов
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1 What is the title of the text?  (The State Tretyakov Gallery.)
2 When was the old building of the gallery built?
3 Where is it situated?
4 Viktor Vasnetsov, was a connoisseur of old Moscow, wasn't he?
5 The gallery looks like an illustration to an old Russian tale, doesn't it?
6 Where can you see the ancient coat of arms of Moscow there?
7 What does the inscription on both sides of the facade say?
8 What can you say about Pavel Tretyakov?
9 When did he found his gallery?
10 When did Pavel Tretyakov present his gallery to Moscow?
11 Did Tretyakov purchased paintings that have become part of the golden treasury of Russian art and are regarded as milestones in its history?
12 Did he support Russian painters?
13 Names of what great Russian painters and their famous canvases have been mentioned in the text?
14 Does the gallery have tens of thousands of paintings, drawings, sculptures and icons today?
15 Whose world-famous masterpieces among the icons can be seen in the gallery?
16 Where is the new huge building for the gallery situated in Moscow?

1 Как именуется текст? (Государственная Третьяковская Галерея.)2 Когда было ветхое здание галереи построино?3 Где оно находится?4 Виктор Васнецов, был знатоком ветхой Москвы, не так ли?5 Галерея смотрится как иллюстрация к старой российской басне, не так ли?6 Где можно узреть старый герб Москвы в галерее?7 Что говорит надпись на обеих гранях фасада ?8 Что вы сможете сказать о Павле Михайловиче Третьякове?9 Когда он основал свою галерею?10 Когда Павел Третьяков подарил свою галерею в Москве?11 Третьяков заполучил картины, которые прочно вошли в золотой фонд российского искусства и рассматриваются как вехи в собственной истории?12 Он поддерживал русских художников?13 Имена, каких больших российских художников и их известные полотна были упомянуты в тексте?14 В галерее насчитываются десятки тыщ картин, рисунков, скульптур и икон сегодня?15 Чьи всемирно знаменитые шедевры посреди икон можно увидеть в галерее?16 Где находится новое огромное здание галереи в Москве?

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