1.Вставь am, is, are.- Who.. he? He . My brother.- What

1.Вставь am, is, are.
- Who.. he? He . My brother.
- What she? She.. a teacher.
- Who you? I.. her friend.
- What. they? They. doctors.
- Who they? They my parents.
2. Вставь Is или Does.
-.she dance at school?
-.he at school?
-.it a school?
-.he know Ben?
-he play tennis at school?
3. Задай вопросы и дай 2 ответа.
-She can sing very well.
-Не is playing with her toys now. .
-My uncle has got a grey cat.
-They are my parents. ....
-He likes to read books. ....
-We go to school every day.
5. Скажи, что это не так.
1. He swims very well.
2. She can play basketball.
3. This is my dog.
4. They have got a puppy.
5. We like kittens.

Задать свой вопрос
2 ответа
Who is he? He is my brother.
Who is she? She is a teacher
Who are you? I am her friend
Who are they? They are my parents.

Does she dance at school
Is he at school
Does he know Ben
Does he play tennis at school

Can she sing very well
Yes she can
No she can not

Is he playing with her toys now
Yes he is
No he isn't

Has my uncle got a grey cat
Yes he has
No he hasn't

Are they my parents
Yes they are
No they are not

Does he like to rea
Игорь Окунчиков
does he like to read
Людмила Минсадыкова
yes he does no he doesn't
У самой плохо с английским,но номер 1 очень простой,попробую объяснить
,,am" мы ставим только,когда рядом есть ,,I" ,т.е. ,,I am..."
,,Is" мы ставим,когда рядом есть ,,She,he,it" .Т.е,к примеру, ,,
She is...." и т.д.
,,are" мы ставим,когда множественное число
Полагаюсь хоть немножко посодействовала)
, оставишь ответ?

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