Помогите перевести на нормальный английский)) сам не смогу!В 2014 году экономическое

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В 2014 году экономическое развитие Рф перетерпело великую неудачу, столкнувшись с многочисленными основательными факторами, как внутреннего, так и наружного нрава проявления, что привело к ухудшению роста ВВП.

В первую очередь, речь идет о влияние таких факторов, как курс русского рубля и цены на нефть. 1-ый привел к тому, что снутри экономики страны начался резкий рост индекса потребительских цен (инфляция), а объем ВВП начал изменяться в сторону понижения. Кроме этого, Банку России пришлось принять критические меры, к которым относились:

увеличение уровня процентной ставки (к примеру, 15 декабря 2014 года было критическое заседание ЦБ РФ, на котором было повышенно процентную ставку до 17%) [4];
интервенции на межбанковском денежном базаре, что привело к снижению международных запасов Банка Рф с 500 миллиардов. баксов до 350 миллиардов. баксов.
Банковский регулятор задался целью стабилизировать денежный курс, но для решения данной трудности ему пришлось действовать в одиночку, поскольку другие органы аппарата государственного управления были заняты вопросом снижения экспортной выручки Рф из-за обвала цен на нефть. В итоге, экономика страны недополучила миллиарды баксов налогов. Выручка энергетического сектора РФ снизилась в разы, а это, в свою очередь, продолжало нажимать на макроэкономические характеристики: ВВП, инфляция, личные деньги.

По всем вышеперечисленным причинам денежно-кредитная политика Банка Рф изменилась кардинальным образом, ведь после размеренного периода возобновления экономики и финансовых базаров страны со временем мирового экономического кризиса 2008 2009 годов наступил неожиданный период финансового шока.

По этой причине, Банку Рф пришлось поменять свои ориентиры по предлогу денежно-кредитной политики, где применялись различные приборы в сумме, входящие в каналы трансмиссионного механизма. Ведь с учетом всего этого Банку Рф предстояла нелегкая задача, а именно: стабилизировать денежный курс российского рубля и понизить уровень инфляции в экономике страны. В окончательном итоге, по итогам 2016 года, можно сделать смелые выводы о том, что ЦБ РФ удалось выполнить эту задачку.

Каналы трансмиссионного механизма это система показателей, изменяющихся под воздействием центрального банка и описывающих воздействие валютного предложения на экономику страны. Другими словами, трансмиссионный механизм денежно-кредитного регулирования - это механизм, средством которого применение приборов центрального банка оказывает влияние на экономику в целом и уровень инфляции, в частности.

Банк России, сообразно своей денежно-кредитной политике, применяет к деянию четыре основных канала трансмиссионного механизма. К ним относятся:

монетарный канал (изменение объема валютной массы);
канал процентной ставки (изменение динамики процентной ставки);
канал кредитования;
канал денежного курса.
Исходя из этого, ЦБ РФ использует инструменты денежно-кредитной политики, с подмогою которых происходит стабилизация денежного курса рубля, удерживает рост инфляции и провоцирует рост кредитования в банковском секторе страны.

В первую очередь, Банк России употребляет уровни процентных ставок, с поддержкою которых идет сдерживающая либо стимулирующая монетарная политика

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In 2014, Russia's economic development has suffered a great setback, faced with numerous fundamental factors, both internal and external, which led to a deterioration in GDP growth.

First of all, we are talking about the influence of such factors as the exchange rate of the Russian ruble and the price of oil. The first led to a sharp increase in the consumer price index (inflation) within the country's economy, and the volume of GDP began to change towards a decrease. In addition, the Bank of Russia had to take emergency measures, which included:

an increase in the interest rate (for example, on December 15, 2014 there was an emergency meeting of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, at which the interest rate was raised to 17%)
intervention in the interbank foreign exchange market, which led to a decrease in the international reserves of the Bank of Russia from 500 billion dollars to 350 billion dollars.

The bank regulator set out to stabilize the exchange rate, but to solve this problem, he had to act alone, because other government bodies were concerned with the issue of reducing Russia's export earnings due to a collapse in oil prices. As a result, the country's economy has lost billions of dollars in taxes. The revenue of the energy sector of the Russian Federation has decreased many times, and this, in turn, continued to put pressure on macroeconomic indicators: GDP, inflation, personal finance.

For all of the above reasons, the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia has changed dramatically, because after a stable period of economic recovery and financial markets of the country, with the time of the global economic crisis of 2008-2009, an unexpected period of "financial shock" has come.

For this reason, the Bank of Russia had to change its guidelines for monetary policy, where various instruments were used, in the amount included in the transmission mechanism channels. After all, taking into account all this, the Bank of Russia faced a difficult task, namely: to stabilize the exchange rate of the Russian ruble and reduce the level of inflation in the country's economy. Ultimately, following the results of 2016, it is possible to draw bold conclusions that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation managed to accomplish this task.

Transmission mechanism channels are a system of indicators that change under the influence of the central bank and characterize the impact of money supply on the economy of the country. In other words, the transmission mechanism of monetary regulation is the mechanism through which the application of central bank instruments affects the economy as a whole and the level of inflation, in particular.

The Bank of Russia, according to its monetary policy, applies to action the four main channels of the transmission mechanism. These include:

monetary channel (change in the volume of money supply);

interest rate channel (change in interest rate dynamics);

lending channel;

exchange rate channel.

Based on this, the CBR uses monetary policy tools that help stabilize the ruble's exchange rate, restrain inflation and stimulate credit growth in the country's banking sector.

First of all, the Bank of Russia uses interest rate levels, with which help is a restraining or stimulating monetary policy.

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In 2014, Russia's economic development has suffered a great setback, faced with numerous fundamental factors, both internal and external, which led to a deterioration in GDP growth.

First of all, we are talking about the influence of such factors as the exchange rate of the Russian ruble and the price of oil. The first led to a sharp increase in the consumer price index (inflation) within the country's economy, and the volume of GDP began to change towards a decrease. In addition, the Bank of Russia had to take emergency measures, which included:

an increase in the interest rate (for example, on December 15, 2014 there was an emergency meeting of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, at which the interest rate was raised to 17%)

intervention in the interbank foreign exchange market, which led to a decrease in the international reserves of the Bank of Russia from 500 billion dollars to 350 billion dollars.

The bank regulator set out to stabilize the exchange rate, but to solve this problem, he had to act alone, because other government bodies were concerned with the issue of reducing Russia's export earnings due to a collapse in oil prices. As a result, the country's economy has lost billions of dollars in taxes. The revenue of the energy sector of the Russian Federation has decreased many times, and this, in turn, continued to put pressure on macroeconomic indicators: GDP, inflation, personal finance.

For all of the above reasons, the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia has changed dramatically, because after a stable period of economic recovery and financial markets of the country, with the time of the global economic crisis of 2008-2009, an unexpected period of "financial shock" has come.

For this reason, the Bank of Russia had to change its guidelines for monetary policy, where various instruments were used, in the amount included in the transmission mechanism channels. After all, taking into account all this, the Bank of Russia faced a difficult task, namely: to stabilize the exchange rate of the Russian ruble and reduce the level of inflation in the country's economy. Ultimately, following the results of 2016, it is possible to draw bold conclusions that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation managed to accomplish this task.

Transmission mechanism channels are a system of indicators that change under the influence of the central bank and characterize the impact of money supply on the economy of the country. In other words, the transmission mechanism of monetary regulation is the mechanism through which the application of central bank instruments affects the economy as a whole and the level of inflation, in particular.

The Bank of Russia, according to its monetary policy, applies to action the four main channels of the transmission mechanism. These include:

monetary channel (change in the volume of money supply);

interest rate channel (change in interest rate dynamics);

lending channel;

exchange rate channel.

Based on this, the CBR uses monetary policy tools that help stabilize the ruble's exchange rate, restrain inflation and stimulate credit growth in the country's banking sector.

First of all, the Bank of Russia uses interest rate levels, with which a restraining or stimulating monetary policy

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