Read the signs below. Now tell a friend what you must

Read the signs below. Now tell a friend what you must or mustn't do when you are in the library, as in the example.
Пример: You mustn't talk when you are in the reading room.
Это те отрывки с которыми надобно сделать,
1.Smoking is prohibted
2.No food or drinks in the library
3.Turn off mobile phines
4.Show your card to the librarian when taking out books

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
You mustn't smoke when you are in the library
you mustn't drink or eat when you are in the library
you must turn off your mobile phones when you are in the library
you must show your card to the librarian when taking out books when you are in the library
, оставишь ответ?

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