Помогите с английским!Во втором задании поначалу идут слова с подмогою которых

Помогите с английским!
Во втором задании поначалу идут слова с подмогою которых можно перевести.
1. Write the correct form of the verbs.

He (wash) his car last Saturday.

He (wash) his car at the moment.

He often (wash) his car.

We (buy) the chair a month ago.

They .. (make) friends when they .. (be) little children.

She (do) a grammar exercise now.

She is a pupil. She often (do) grammar exercises.

She (do) the exercise an hour ago.

My grandfather.. (work) at the circus when he (be) young.

Don't ask him any questions now. He .. (work).

2. Translate into English.

buy chocolate

do homework

get up

at 6 о'clock




meet smb at school

swim in the river


an umbrella


tell smb about



write letters

1. Я никогда не плаваю в реке.______________________ 2. Я никогда не рассказываю ему о собственных планах. ____________________ 3. Они никогда не выигрывают. 4. Джек никогда не пишет письма. _____________________________ 5. Я никогда не приобретаю шоколад. _________________________ 6. Аня никогда не встаёт в 6 часов. _____________________________ 7. Я никогда не беру зонт. ________________________________ 8. Он никогда не учит новые слова. __________________________ 9. Она никогда не делает домашнюю работу. ____________________ 10. Я никогда не встречаю его в школе. ___________________

3. Complete the sentences. Example: Has he (to find) ...? Yes,. Has he found his friend's address? Yes, he has.

Have you (to write) ...? No,...

Have you (to decide what to do) ...? Yes,...

Has she (to get presents) ...? Yes,...

Have you (to cook) ...? No,...

Has she (to bring) ...? Yes,...

4 *. Put the suitable word in the gap:

1. She has a beautiful ... in Pushkin Street, (house, home)

2. Their grandfather is ... than their grandmother, (older, elder)

3. Her mother is her father's .... (wife, husband)

4. My friend is three years ... than me. (older, elder)

5. When do you usually come ... ? (house, home)

6. Butter is мейд ... milk, (from, in)

7. Have you ... been to America? (ever, already)

5.P ut the words in the correct order

1. Yesterday, you, a sandwich, make, did?

2. Like, does, mother, your, to eat, pies?

3. Your, husband, her, is, elder, aunt, than?

4. From, sausage, what, мейд, is?

5. Now, you, clearing, are, the table?

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
1. He washed his car last Saturday. He is washing his car at the moment. He often washes his car. We bought the chair a month ago. They мейд friends when they were little children. She is doing a grammar exercise now. She is a pupil.She often does grammar exercises. She did the exercise an hour ago. My grandfather worked at the circus when he was young. Don't ask him any questions now. He is working.                                                2. I never swim in the river. I never tell him about my plans. They never win. Jack never writes letters. I never buy chocolate. Anya never gets up at 6 o'clock. I never take an umbrella. He never learns new words. She never does homework. I never meet him at school.
Аделина Голтвина
4. house. older. wife.older. home.from.ever
Роскосова Эвелина
5. Did you make a sandwich yesterday? Does your mother like to eat pies?
Витька Лютавин
Is your husband elder than her aunt? What is sausage made from? Are you clening the table now?
Василий Хоженко
3. Have you wrote the homework? No, I haven't. Have you decided what to do with this money? Yes, I have. Has she got presents for her birthday? Yes. she has. Have you cooked a birthday cake for your mother? No,o, I haven't. Has she brought any food for this picnic? Yes, she has
, оставишь ответ?

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