2. Напишите последующие предложения в вопросительной (общий и особый вопросы) и
2. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной (общий и особый вопросы) и отрицательной форме.
1. They sat in the first row.(In which row)
2. The performance lasted two hours. (How long)
3. He went to Leningrad to see some friends. (Why)
4. She put the mail on my desk. (Where)
5. He walked to school with Mary. (Whom with)
6. They spoke to us in French. (In what language)
7. He arrived home very late. (When)
1 ответ
Тимур Ичаджик
1. They didn't sit in the first row.
2. The performance didn't last two hours.
3. He didn't go to Leningrad to see some friends.
4. She didn't put the mail on my desk.
5. He didn't walk to school with Mary.
6. They didn't speak to us in French.
7. He didn't arrive home very late.
1. In which row did they sit? / Did they sit in the first row?
2. How long did performance last? \ Did performance last two hours?
3. Why did they go to Leningrad? / Did he go to Leningrad to see some friends?
4. Where did she put the mail? / Did she put the mail on my desk?
5. Whom did she walk to school with ? / Did he walk to school with Mary?
6. In what language did they speak? / Did they speak to us in French?
7. When did he arrive home? / Did he arrive home very late?
2. The performance didn't last two hours.
3. He didn't go to Leningrad to see some friends.
4. She didn't put the mail on my desk.
5. He didn't walk to school with Mary.
6. They didn't speak to us in French.
7. He didn't arrive home very late.
1. In which row did they sit? / Did they sit in the first row?
2. How long did performance last? \ Did performance last two hours?
3. Why did they go to Leningrad? / Did he go to Leningrad to see some friends?
4. Where did she put the mail? / Did she put the mail on my desk?
5. Whom did she walk to school with ? / Did he walk to school with Mary?
6. In what language did they speak? / Did they speak to us in French?
7. When did he arrive home? / Did he arrive home very late?
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