2. Fill in: much/many/few/a little/a few. 1) How ___ does the

2. Fill in: much/many/few/a little/a few.
1) How ___ does the kilo of sweets cost?
2) You must drink tea with as ___sugar as possible.
3) Think ___ and give me the right answer.
4) I am sorry I havent seen ___plays by this author.
5) Walk quicker, please. We have very ___ time.
6) Shall I bring ___ more chalk? No, thank you.
7) I have ___ money, so we can go to the cinema.
8) She gave the boy ___ water to wash his hands and face.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
1) much
2) little
3) a little
4) much
5) a little
6) a little
7) much
8) much
, оставишь ответ?

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