Людииииии ПОМОГИТЕ с 1 2 3 4 пожалуйста

Людииииии ПОМОГИТЕ с 1 2 3 4 пожалуйста

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1 ответ

номер 1:

все правильно,  а put так и остается, put  - put

номер 2:

We HAD a lot of fun things. We SAW the Mona Lisa in the Louvre Museum, and the Eiffel Tower, and we TOOK a boat down the River Seine at night.  I HAD a lot of crepes with chocolate (delicious!)

I GOT a great t-shirt (only 10!) at a street market, too. We HAD a fantastic time and yesterday I PUT some photos on facebook for my friends to see.

Email soon,

Love, Clare.

номер 3:

2) came





номер 4:

2) my grandparents didnt come for dinner

3) my sister and I didn't have a chocolate cake this morning

4) we didnt make a party for mums birthday

5) I didnt see the tennis match yesterday

6) dad didnt took us to the theater on Saturday night

Skrjabinskij Aleksandr
Спасибо громадное
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