rich golden small huge new

rich golden small huge new kind
The fisherman and his wife were poor and they lived
in a 1) ................... house by the sea. One day, the
fisherman caught a 2) ..................... fish. The fish had the
power to grant wishes, but the fisherman was a
3) ..................... man and he let it go without asking for
anything. The fishermans wife was angry at this. She
wanted many things. She wished for a 4) ...................
bucket, to be a 5) .................... woman with a
6) .................... house and to be a queen. The fish
granted all her wishes until she asked to be the Queen
of the Land and Sea and for the fish to be her servant.
The fish didnt grant this last wish. It left and didnt
come back. The fisherman and his wife lost everything.

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1) small
1) Small. 2).Golden. 3).Kind. 4).New. 5).Rich. 6).Huge.
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