Упскобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past

Упскобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple. Используйте Активный и Пассивный залог. The house ____________(to build) in 2020. The boy _________ (not to hear) the news yet. The Brooks ___________(to become) famous last year. Money _____________(to keep) in the bank. The parcel __________(to send) yesterday. I would like ________________(to know) English very well. Where _________the road _______(to lead) to? Look! The leaves _______________(to fall). All the money ___________(to spend) on clothes last week. The pie has gone! Who _________(to eat) it?

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1 ответ

1 will build

2 hadn't heard

3 became

4 is keeping

5 sent

7 to know

8 is

9 leading

10 are falling

11 has spent

12 is eating

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