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Аринка Бардюсова
Ого!!За 5 баллов это точно не кто делать не будет. Я думаю и за 20 тоже
Максим Галынкин
А я сделаю Я люблю подсоблять по британскому :)
Потолев Никита
Я сделал :)
Дмитрий Загребаев
Капец! Сколько ты это все делал?
Лидия Усалева
На минут 30
1 ответ

1 I was walking down the street yesterday,when I saw a girl who was crying. When i asked her why she was crying, she told me that she had lost her parents and that she was very afraid.

2 Mary had moved out of her parent's house three years before her father had decided to sell it. However,when she learnt about her father's decision. she felt sad. Nevertheless, she understood that her parents got older and that they didn't need such a big house anymore.

3 It was 11 pm and John Bishop was sitting in the bushes outside the Browns' residence. He had prepared his plan two days earlier. When he saw Mr and Mrs Brown leaving the house, he jumped out of the bushes and ran to the door. He picked the lock and went inside. Unfortunately for him, an angry pitbull was waiting in the hall.

4 My dad always hated my boyfriend, Jim. However, when we had decided to move in together, he called me and said  that he had never liked him, but he trusted my judgement. It's funny, because when he called me and I were arguing

5 Daniel is a very nice person now, but he was different several years ago. He spent time with a gang of rough boys, stole radios from parked cars, and got into fights very ofter. However, one day when he was walking home, he met a beautiful girl from Catholic school, After he had met her, he changed for her completely.

6 When I was a little boy, I had a dog, which i found on the street. We went for long walks every day. Once, when we went back home, a man approached me and tried to mug me. My dog bites him in the bottom and the man started running away. As he ran, my dog barked at him.

7 Jenny and Ken met at a party in 2007. At that time Ken had a girlfriend, but Jenny never had a boyfriend before. It was love at first sight. When Ken saw Jenny, he asked her to dance with him. As they danced, Ken's girlfriend came to the party. She started shouting at Ken and reminded him that he promised to never leave her for another girl.

8 Randy drove his new Porsche to visit his parents. He bought the car only two days earlier. It were late at night and it rained earlier, so the road was slippery. However, he wanted to get to his destination as soon as possible, so he drove very fast. Suddenly, when he went through a forest, something jumped on the road. In order to not hit it, Randy stepped on the breaks. He lost control of the car and hit a tree.

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