Заполни пропуски глаголом to be в правильной форме. Обведи глаголы в

Заполни пропуски глаголом to be в правильной форме. Обведи глаголы в истинном продолженном медли.
Trevor is using his computer at the moment. He ___ using the Internet. He ___ talking to a boy in Italy. They ___ discussing schools in Italy and Britain. In Britain children start school when they ___ five. They leave school when they ___ sixteen. Trevors friend Antonio ___ doing English at the moment.

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Trevor is using his computer at the moment. He is using the Internet. He is talking to a boy in Italy. They are discussing schools in Italy and Britain. In Britain children start school when they are five. They leave school when they are sixteen. Trevors friend Antonio is doing English at the moment.

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