Составьте мини-сочинение на тему Человек, с которого я беру пример. План1.

Составьте мини-сочинение на тему Человек, с которого я беру пример. План
1. Имя, год рождения.
2. Факты о жизни
3. Действия жизни
4. Почему восхищаетесь? (Берёте пример?).

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I have long thought about whom to write this essay. The fact is that I like many people, and I try to learn from them what is interesting and can be useful in life. That is, try to learn from certain advantages, and that means-take an example.

But then I realized that all people have not only advantages but also disadvantages. And it is still unknown how I would like, say, a popular singer, if I got to know her better. And I'm not going to be a singer; therefore, her merits are not so important to me.

And then I decided to write about my mother. I love her very much, and even know better than those who write about in magazines and talk on TV. And if I follow my mother's example, I can be sure I'm not wrong.

My mom's name is________________________. It works.____________________. This is a difficult and responsible work, a lot depends on it in the team. Mom takes her work very seriously and does it well, so colleagues and employees respect her. When my mother is on vacation, she often call from work to consult.

Mom is good at leading the house. At first I wanted to write "good hostess", but it would be a little bit not that. Because, it seems to me, the main thing is not how many dishes a woman can cook and how carefully follows the order in the house. No, it's all important, but... More important to me that with my mom I always heat and light, even when all around the cold or slush. She never swears or gets angry like some other women. Doesn't say, "I have business! "when I ask her to help me. My mother knows a lot of things and always tries to explain to me what is unclear. Maybe she does not look like a model, but for me she is the kindest and most beautiful.

I don't know who I'm going to work when I grow up. But I'll try to do my job as well as my mom. And I'm going to try to get me the same warm and cheerful house, where all would be well, where all my friends would come to visit.

Danka Armodin
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Мария Толонина
Малючек Галина
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